
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 6: Yellowstone Float - Another Windy Day......

April 12th, I floated Yellowstone with a guide Dave from Yellowstone Angler. Against what they said at weather forecasts, it was another sunny day. We were expecting cloudy overcast yet quiet day for both streamer fishing and spring baetis hatch. At least wind was not gusting in town in the morning. So we went below the town for streamer fishing, prospecting one big individual or two, not so many. But as we pulled in a local access point called "Pig Farm", it turned out to be another windy day. This time, it was 30 mph from the upstream of the river. It was easy for Dave to slow down his boat though difficult to navigate because of winds against our fronts. But for me, it was simply impossible to cast to right and ideal angle, cross or down-cross. Also, my line was blown away from the stripping basket of the boat.

Yet I did move several fish in the morning till noon. It was hard to estimate the size. They could have been 16 to 18" or maybe 20" class. I didn't quite get into hooking those. Then in the afternoon till streamer action was totally dead.......

We saw several pods of rising trout to spring baetis at the calm spots of this big river. Dave rigged up a Parachute Adams. Now, because of downstream winds, casting upstream was a way easy task to do!!! How ironical it is........ There seemed to be some large trout rising but I couldn't reach them.

For me, it was another day at Yellowstone River. Dave offered me a really nice lunch and was honest with me about the situation and condition rather than making excuses or making things up as other guides do on poor fishing days. Besides, the section we floated was very fishy all through. Sorry that the condition really didn't match.......

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