
Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 7 AM: Last Day in the Park

June 28th in the morning, I went back to the section below Big Bend as in the morning of 26th. White Miller Caddis were on the water again, but fishing was a bit slower than past three mornings.

Yet some of trout rose on my fresh tied White Miller Iris Caddis.

That was good enough and of course I hooked, lost, and landed many more.

I noticed that PMD was on the water and the air, so I trailed White Miller X Caddis and PMD Sparkle Dun. It did work too.

Later on, I tried a PMD Foam Nymph again.

Just under the surface, a respectable 16-incher took it!!


Over all, my experience in the meadow section of Madison in the Park made and helped me a better angler. It had been fearful and challenging, but once I really put myself into it, including sinking in, it is one of the greatest places to fish in the world.......

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