
Friday, July 16, 2010

Quick Post for Quick Fishing

Yesterday, I went to Ellensburg quickly after work. I dropped by Worley Bugger, said hi, bought some materials that I forgot to buy in Montana or shortly vanished during past 10 days or so. I had a bit of time to spend so I might as well fishing the Yakima. There are lots of rafters all over the river. I just heard that there are some little stoneflies and caddis activities going on, especially in the evening.

................I do not go to the detail of my flies and water-reading, etc this time. I broke my own record in Yakima. From the bottom.

This had been the smallest I ever caught (this March).

Yesterday, I caught a 3-inch rainbow on size 14 fly!!!! Has anyone done this??

Indeed there were too many of them right around my legs under-water. Well, I take this one then!!..............not really.... a bit larger for a consolation.

I was wet-wading and it was comfortable. But, but, but...............afterwards, the back of my left calf was itchy. I was scratching it for a while and finally I grabbed something. I was sucked by a leech!! Gross (no picture)!!!

What a nice little joke afternoon........... I don't get closer to Yakima till rafters gone, water level down, and cool enough to wear my wader.

Now is the time to wet-wade in mountain streams!!

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