
Friday, January 14, 2011

First Trout Denied

Today, as I woke up late in the morning, I first felt warm (upper 40s is considered spring in Livingston!!) and didn't hear any winds galing. I suddenly decided to get out fishing for the first time in 2011. I figured there would be lots of people along Yellowstone River around town as I was late and it's Friday today. Then I thought Lower Madison can be good too as I wanted to drop by fly shops in Bozeman. Besides I was slow and late to get to the river, I noticed it wasn't only me that felt warm today. There were crowds of people on Highway side banks. But crossing to Bear Trap Canyon, I saw only 3 cars and 1 boat floating nearby. Good guess!!, I thought. Probably fishing with nymphs very slowly would have been a better bet but
Since I finally got ready around 2pm and now wind started from up- to down-stream, I decided to fish down quickly and thoroughly with streamers.
These were today's "junks" thrown into Lower Madison....

Well, result = nothing, nada, zero............... There was even NO taps at all either.

Since it was a sudden decision, I brought reasonable amount of expectation rather than Happy First Fishing Day!! I gathered up flies quickly in the morning, which I usually do the night before when I really plan to go.

But also (I'm not making this up), my biggest objective was to check the shape and condition of my body by casting and wading. Not because last time I fished was early November when the Park closed but because I'm having very inconsistent and lazy day to day schedule in my semi-retirement life. I was afraid if I lost some muscle and sense of fishing. Once I started to breath fresh mountain air, I felt great. In spite of wind and standing in the water, I started to sweat. Going up & down steep hills, stepping on ice, and then wading, my body worked very well. Recently I do some stretch exercise while reading on the floor. Clever, huh? Then I could read water fairly well and started casting like bringing food up to my mouth.

Next time, I plan well wherever I choose to go. It's really no big deal that I didn't catch anything today, as I live in this greater area so I can get out any time I want!!

Happy fishing, every one!!

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