
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Maiden Voyage

Today made the first trip of my boat. Last night I came up with her name. Simms orange decal that I attached yesterday was somehow sticking in my head too. Orange is my lucky color (since my Coyote has been created). Then my boat is in sage and I like Sage rod and now I come to love RO too......With a hint of Canadian liquid, I godfathered SageORange.

I've been asking my outfitter Stuart to get out together, especially before I get busy with cows. Stuart brought his associate Robert and we floated from Mayors Landing in the town of Livingston. I took the oars as a role playing guide, and said "let's cast to the rip-rap" and Stuart caught the first ever trout to my boat!! It was a nice aggressive browny.

Robert landed a nice rainbow in spawning color while baetis and March Brown were on the water.

My choice of the day was streamers, which somehow didn't work well. Borrowing Robert's rig and with his guiding, I could fix the skunk of the day with a nice cutbow.

Then just above HWY89 pull-out, Stuart ended the day with a massive 22-inch brown!! Not to mention the biggest on my boat so far!!

It was a mix of cloudy and sunny but no hazardous winds at all. Day turned out to be very enjoyable. I'm glad that I didn't flip over the boat then I have too many things to learn from these experienced guides. But I shouldn't be discouraged as I'm a rookie guide.

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