
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Simms Ice Out: Day 2 - More Fun

Second day was filled with great programs. I was slightly exhausted for some reason (It will be revealed in next post). The day started with the seminar about the guide business & industry by Sweetwater Travel Company's, Dan Vermillion (as well as the commissioner of Montana FWP). In the afternoon, we moved to an inside area within a big horse ranch in Bozeman. Livingstone's Brant Oswald gave us a casting clinic. His clinic is very valuable for all level of casters with lots of laughs in the air as he acts like a total incompetent beginning caster and have his audience correct his flaws.
After the casting clinic, the first ever "GUIDE OLYMPIC" started. It contained casting, rigging, shot-put (shooting a boat anchor for the distance), and trailer back-up. This is the casting arena (the place is quite a big horse ranch I can tell).

Lots of guides competed. But for some reasons, I didn't try. I didn't even go outside for the shot-put and trailer back-up race as it was breezy outside.

This is the rigging race. When we are just fishing ourselves, we do without thinking. But in a competition, there are several criteria other than speed. It was fun to watch.


We came back to the venue in the evening. And now "SUPERSALE!", everyone was awaiting, started!! along with a cocktail party!! I first filled my belly with great foods and then started to think about shopping. "Pro Program" already offers us great discount but SUPERSALE was beyond......I sensibly scratched off the prices as some of you readers might get upset or offended on retail prices. I will post what I got later on.

Livingston's Derek DeYoung was painting live. His art can be seen anywhere but this was the first time that I saw him in person and, not to mention, his live work.

Another great day, having more fun and meeting more people, ended.

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