
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Day Guiding

Today was my first day guiding.
I did get my clients to some trout. Then I somehow dropped my camera in Madison.....
So no pictures or details about fishing for this post.
My clients will email me pictures from their camera later. Then I will post more.
We ended good under tough condition.
Madison God gave me the mix of sweet and bitter tastes on my first day guiding............
Then my friend Chris texted me, "you can replace your camera any time but not your clients".
That's all about for now.


  1. Sorry to hear about the camera taking a swim. I would probably start crying if I dropped mine ;) Glad to hear the fishing and guiding was good to go. Tight Lines.

  2. Thanks for kind words. I just ordered a new one this morning, cheaper & higher solution than my last one (can't believe recent low price and tech development compared to when I first bought 3 years ago). For the next one, I am thinking to invent a strap with bunch of bobbers!! Seriously!!
