From the cabin by Rock Creek, we went to Georgetown Lake. It turned out to be the great fishery. Little did I know this hidden gem though it's no secret at all. I used to have a prejudice about lake fishing such as stripping leeches and buggers blindly and may catch fish. And it comes back to my mind every now and then but this experience blew the idea away. First of all there are lots of trout in this lake that never bore us. Then lots of over 20-inch rainbows and 5-pound brookies are reported oftentimes (we didn't get close to them....).
Mike got started the day with an olive Woolly Bugger (damsel nymph and leech).

Toward noon, we started to see lots of trout rising and jumping all over the lake. Also we started to see lots of damsel adults in the air!!!! Trout were biting on them!!!

Mike was bending his rod again.

Dave caught some nice ones too.

Trout loved the damsel dry pattern!!!!

I was pretty much at the oars but I borrowed Mike's rig and caught a good one too!!
I haven't done "Gulper Fishing" at Hebgen Lake but I bet what Georgetown Lake offers must also be "Gulper" as well. As at Rock Creek, we didn't encounter too many people. Especially with the boat, we had our own spots after spots without batting anyone.
This is pretty much all about Missoula Trip. Food poisoning seems to be gone and I am finding a good deal for spare 6wt rod while my original one is being repaired. I rushed a bit for these two posts as I will be busy fishing again from tomorrow!!
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