As I was walking, I felt something in my back and it this little Antelope buck who was staring at me. I bet he was protecting his girlfriends so I don't breed them!!

Nice fish anyway!
Just around 5pm, I started to see some rises. I bet some Green Drakes were in the air very sporadically. I caught a little feisty rainbow. Is this all I get for today?
Then miracle happened!! What a lucky dude I was!! "Fishing God" rewarded my patience with another Flying Ant Mating Swarm at 6pm!!!! Now is the time to test my brandnew ant pattern that I completed last night!!!! I was standing on the high cutbank and could observe what trout were doing. One nice looking trout was darting, circling, and gulping every "meat" available. It was a typical sight-fishing situation. I cast my brandnew ant on its course and BANG-BANG-MAXWELL'S-Silver-Hammer!! I screamed "GOTCHA"!!!! Trout took it confidently.
Please be cooperate for a clear proof picture for my fly promotion!!!!
Fine fat Rainbow (with orange slashes??)......
Just one? I quit fishing though I still observed along the way back to my truck. I felt better as I found why I didn't do well on 7th and made a discovery to understand Slough and its trout better. Lower Meadow's holding pools have virtually no current (of course there is but you can't see until you cast) so trout can cruise around anywhere they want and feed in each direction = NO PARTICULAR FEEDING LANE, compared to typical freestone rivers. Same goes for flows of insects on the water surface. Insects don't concentrate in Lower Meadow as they do at seams, pockets, foam lines, etc of typical rivers. So casting to rings of rises doesn't work as trout are cruising around!! I bet this was what I got on 7th. One has to sight-fish here and cast just ahead of its course. If one can do this, fly patterns may not really matter.........
Sounds like a solution? Not really.......
Reason I came up to this discovery was because I was standing on the high cutbanks. It's not practical to fish from cutbank because one can't hide silhouette completely and how one can land after hooking? I was at the spot where I could get down quickly due to the erosion but other cutbanks are straight 6-8 feet high. Then again, it's just tough to observe what trout are doing from lower side of the creek.
How about my new flies then? That will be another post. No pictures taken yet either. I first work on tying instructions so I can sell them any time!!
Anyway, I got my soul back!! My skills and flies were not problems. It's just the special character of Slough and "Fishing God" let me understand in both kind and hard ways. I'm getting to know more about Lower Meadow and then just given a new homework........
I can't wait till fall mayflies are in full swing. In terms of fly-casting and mind & attitude adjustment, Lower Slough is the most technical!!!!
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