
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Downtown Surprise

Today was really a mixed bag of weather.  It was cold and windy in the morning, winds died down as storm came in, and when I got ready to go fishing, it was sunny!! I wanted it to be cloudy, shower, and not windy. I got out anyway. The other side from Mayors Landing is my favorite spot for both streamers and dry-fly fishing. Streamer got NO actions at all under the bright condition or there wouldn't be any trout. As I was about to give up, it started to rain and blow some winds. And I started to see some rising trout. They must have been on Baetis, but I still saw Epeorus.

I went back to my truck and rigged up a 5-wt with Baetis Sparkle Dun.

I played with some little ones with "set-to-the-rise" technique. But this time I was more like "set-to-the feel"!! I had actually missed one big tug before this so this time I set the hook tight as I felt the tug. I noticed it would be bigger than I expected. All I wanted was 10 to 12-incher for stomach samples. It was a nice 17-inch rainbow!!

I guess I played a bit too hard........

This is why we Livingston guides and anglers love 'Stone. Nothing going on with streamers but small dry-flies bring large trout on surface and sometimes vise versa; no actions at all but one "CHUCK" of streamers brings trout of the year!! We hope we have one more month before frozen!!


  1. Great looking Bow and nice looking flies. Tight lines.

  2. Thanks TM,
    I reminisce only two days ago as I had a poor day today. Nothing to post....
