
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just Quickly....

Today made the second day outing this year. Nothing really new or spectacular to report other than it was cold and now I'm running my wood stove as Montana winter is supposed to require.

But I'd like to share this picture quickly. It was just a 14-incher. But well-colored and "humped" like some sort of salmon...... Feisty or Weird?

At the end, I caught a nice brown and that was all.........

Browns, either who have gone through spawning or those who have not this time, seem to be in great shape and put lots of fight on my rod.  Then rainbows are now coloring well and getting ready for their spawning season. I just need some size!! But.....I do promise that I will NEVER step into redds or try to snag ones in actually mating groups......

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