
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Truly Paradise in Paradise Valley

What a gorgeous spring weekend!! We didn't have strong winds two days in a row. Today, air temp reached almost 70s. Also today marked 41st Day at DePuy's with the Winter Pass. Let's get "count-down" started till I make over 50 till April 14th.....I will make it as my assignment.

OK, how was fishing? Midge hatches & rising trout have not been consistent yet. It was slower today than last Friday. However, I knew another tactics that should work in that situation. It's a soft-hackle swing!! My favorite ways & flies!! (just typing this, I'm excited!!). I have tried a lot at riffle sections of Armstrong's ( and it's always successful. At DePuy's I haven't really tried until today as I've been focusing on my dry-fly presentation at flat waters. This little DUDE is the killer.

This one tapped and ran hard for its size.

What captured my eyes was its vivid adipose fin (sorry, I cast shadow with my arm......).

Spawning run is full swing now!! Two closed area are filled with lots of large trout, as I saw last fall when browns came in. That's a good sign for the future of creeks and Yellowstone River. I sat down without fishing and observed. One big BULL was chasing away other bachelors from his girlfriend, who was working on a bed.

Patience and observation pay the reward. "Yellowstone Chrome!!" I call!! Of course this is not from closed areas........

 Day ended with a nice brown.

Black was the hit of the day.

It's truly a good thing that two spawning areas are closed for fishing. It's really fun to observe fish, like Fishing Bridge in Yellowstone Park. With both air & water temps going up, we should be seeing consistent hatches and rising trout!!


  1. Lovin it! Keep up the good work and lets hit 50!

  2. Join me either one of these days. I let you know when midge & baetis hatch become consistent. Hope it will happen while Pass lasts....
