Friday, November 30, 2012

End of November

November has passed so fast to me, compared to October. I got out fishing ONLY 14 DAYS at DePuy's ( That sounds lazy to me. But I have to do civilian duty every now and then November days can be brutally windy too.

Yesterday and today, I ended up staying till after dark for no particular reasons. I'm observing spawning runs. Browns seems done? Rainbow coming? Hard to say...........

 This was really a nice 'Bow!
I still see a few big ones every now and then.........
These medium to small size rainbows are fighting very strong right now!!
 Just seems regular diet........

Today's hot fly was BHB (BigHorn-HotBead) Soft Hackle Ray Charles.

He was good enough.........

In the darkness of evening, just about to quit, I had a big tug. And it fought surprisingly strong!! I thought unless it would be a large rainbow, it would be a very fresh run-up brown!! My camera was almost malfunctioning in the dark.........
I thought this pic is coll in a way.......
 Show yourself........
 An evening poacher........
Indeed it was a very strong brown. I bet it was definitely a pre-spawner as it had no scars or cuts on skins and fins. It must have just entered the creek from Yellowstone River. So it seems late spawners are still coming in time to time. I'll keep you updated through December.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Average Day......

Just an average day and fishing at DePuy's ( but couple of nice fish and thoughts to share.
At one spot, I hooked a nice brown on a scud/sowbug pattern trailed behind an egg. He was strong, running and fighting. Then a medium size rainbow attacked on the egg during the fight!! Both GONE.......

However I could bring in a nice "Yellowstone Steelhead"!!
 It was not as cold as it looked. We got some snow today but no winds. Just little a bit wet.

Caught some browns of course.

I don't have to post a picture of this fly, do I?


Actual size................

Today's massive hit fly was this plain gray "Ray Charles" that I tied with size 16 2XL Curved hook (Dai-Riki 280 or MFC 7231). It's based on my stomach sampling. I've been collecting large sowbugs. Then I don't really see sowbugs that are curled up!! And who said we have to tie scud/sowbug with designated scud hooks!!??
With just a little twitch, keep showing new flies to trout is important and that makes me an innovator and observer.

The very last bite was BIG & STRONG!! Could have been foul-hooked but anyway HEAVY!! I tried to muscle it out as it tried to run into grassy cutbank......Didn't move like a rock.......gone.....
Browns' run is very strong and seems still coming. So rainbows keep coming in. Let me see what will happen as winter goes by.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Minor or Secret?

Probably some of you readers might have noticed that now I've got a "contributor". What happened was I seem to have used up my own pic storage/capacity (free amount).  So I was told (but tit may still work every now and then?). Anyway I had to create my alter-ego = Lefty Angler. He's writing on behalf of me with his brandnew Google account!! I have started to re-size and reduce sizes of files from now. It's an extra work with photo software but it's true that uploading here is much faster!!
So I visited DePuy Spring Creek ( again. I just love to fish minor or less popular stretches on purpose with maniac methods and flies........... It's no secret or anything but no other anglers don't care to fish there or don't care to use that kind of flies. And I was just "shotgunning" all afternoon......
Today's stomach samples were like this......... Apparently they were eating different stuffs from Thanksgiving!!
 Smallest trout I caught today contained the most, really...........

By matching to what I saw, I kept fishing!
I've never caught what really defined as Steelehead but most of pics in magazines look like this, doesn't it?
Oh, this was on, well, popular desert........

Of course I trailed my L.L. Beads size 20 red behind.

I confess here. I thought I snagged weedbed so I tried to recast twice then he was ON!!!
 Happy with L.L.!!

Then next one was the second one of this month that really worked me!!


Snail time?

I was again at a minor even maniac spot (though not secret).........

I'll fish another minor and less populated spot tomorrow.

Friday, November 23, 2012

What Trout Ate for Thanksgiving?

Wish all of you had great Thanksgiving. As I woke up this morning, I noticed I had gained over several pounds over a night...........I had to go fishing without eating!
It's been 5 days since I fished (blogged) last. It had been a bit too windy. Besides I had several things to do. Great to be back to fish with stuffed belly. Now I had to check what trout had eaten for Thanksgiving dinner!

L.L. Beads in Tri-color must have resembled some left-overs.......

And the content was sowbug.......

But also this seemed the best dinner.......

Nicely flecked rainbow!!

He spat out.......

Then this one also filled a spot.

But his had eaten BWO!! Indeed there were very sporadic BWO on the water and I saw trout rose several times in three hours.

By another shotgunning!!!

As of now, I seem to have lost a few pounds after outing!! Fishing against wind in the cold day is the best exercise!! Let's go fishing everyone!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Easter for Trout?

NEWS!!: My first ever angling article is posted at Fly Anglers OnLine (!! It's under "Readers Cast" and about BWO experience at DePuy's ( Some of you blog readers might remember pictures and have browsed stories before but this is a 4-piece in-depth article from my daily journal entries about BWO hatch and my fishing (including Waterloo, which I didn't mention here!!). Also my original fly patterns will be posted at FOTW (Fly Of The Week) one by one. So keep checking FAOL!!

Today's weather was a mix of everything but nothing was extreme. So over all it was OK. I checked in DePuy's just before 1pm. But I didn't see any midge/BWO hatches and corresponding rising trout as winds were blowing from several different direction (not really strong though).
As I parked my truck, I was excited to see HIM!!!! More COYOTE!! More PT nymphs!! More Mr. O-O!! Gimme your feathers!!!!!! He was running away.....

So I started nymphing experiments. It was a good start and I hooked a couple of trout quickly but they were gone by crushing my "Mummy Snail" like this.

Then it seemed "trout calender" was set for Easter today. They were feasting on eggs. This is the sample of 11-inch brown trout! As I was pumping, he also throwing up a few more besides these... I would imagine another big wave of fall-run brown trout might have come in to the creek and been spawning.

No explanation needed for this fly..........

 Whatsoever, this was actually really BIG!!

My brandnew "Mummy Snail" did work too!!

I'm getting more trust, faith, and confidence in this fly!!

L.L. Beads worked well too.

This worked fine just as I expected. This is a Tri-color version!! (Watch a tying video for L.L.)

This fish was a bit too big for one hand to hold for camera. He was gone. After this I caught more but I stopped taking pictures.

November seems running faster than October!! Let me see how many more day I will visit DePuy's this month!!