
Friday, November 23, 2012

What Trout Ate for Thanksgiving?

Wish all of you had great Thanksgiving. As I woke up this morning, I noticed I had gained over several pounds over a night...........I had to go fishing without eating!
It's been 5 days since I fished (blogged) last. It had been a bit too windy. Besides I had several things to do. Great to be back to fish with stuffed belly. Now I had to check what trout had eaten for Thanksgiving dinner!

L.L. Beads in Tri-color must have resembled some left-overs.......

And the content was sowbug.......

But also this seemed the best dinner.......

Nicely flecked rainbow!!

He spat out.......

Then this one also filled a spot.

But his had eaten BWO!! Indeed there were very sporadic BWO on the water and I saw trout rose several times in three hours.

By another shotgunning!!!

As of now, I seem to have lost a few pounds after outing!! Fishing against wind in the cold day is the best exercise!! Let's go fishing everyone!

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