
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Dry" Part Only - Part 2

Howdy folks, I'd like to make another quick "hatch, rise, & dry-fly" report from DePuy's Spring Creek (
I visited the creek in the afternoon. I again cut "nymph-egg" results (probably I'm doing a week summary of underwater side later). This time, I was well-prepared from my experience on Monday afternoon. I carried two rods with to the spot. 6-wt for nymphs and a light 4-wt for dry-flies, anticipating another hatch & rise time!! Wind was rough today. I was afraid of insects would be blown away to Canada and trout wouldn't rise.........but at where I was (probably only one spot in the entire length of creek), I started to see rings of rising trout about 2:30pm!! They were on midges!! I quickly changed my "stick" and started casting Goose Biot Midge #20.


 Stomach contents did contain midges but they were #22 and 24, rather than #20.
 I raised a couple of trout quickly though they got loose.........

Wind was a big factor today. Hatch and rise weren't as constant as Monday. I actually did back-and-force between nymph rig (spot) and dry rig (spot).
Then just about 3pm, I started to see larger insects on the water surface.

 Indeed, Lovely BWO were there!!!

I didn't have a whole selection of my BWO boxes but only a couple essentials like CDC Dun with curved hook.
 And my own design: Pheasant Tail Mayfly Cripple - CDC wing!!

Trout rose with delight!!

This is a stomach content of brown above. Notice there is NOT really BWO duns or nymphs. So was rainbow's. This tells me trout are also anticipating BWO hatch and will recognize when hatch is on. That's why they took my flies with such a big joy!!

One that I hooked & lost and the one I observed its rise were really big!! Yes, trout are looking up!! And they love dry-fly as much as we do!! (except for being stung, I guess.....)

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