
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fish "DRY"!! Stay "DRY"!!

NEWS: A series of my article at Fly Anglers OnLine ( keeps running. Check out the latest update!! Some of blog readers have seen those pictures already but writing should be more professional (!?) than at here.......
OK, weather became nice and mild after my last post (last Friday, exactly)....... I had a schedule for Master Breeder on Monday so this post is the report from Sunday and today Tuesday at DePuy Spring Creek (

On Sunday before insect hatches, I did nymphing a bit. I caught a rainbow suitable for "pump" and I found this Albino Stone again!! This time from stomach............hmmmmmmm, I gotta come up with something, huh!?

Both midge and BWO hatches were good. Trout rose accordingly but.......somehow all I brought to my hands were like this...... There could have a couple of larger ones among that I hooked but lost (likely story....). But also, in a way, it's technical to set hook just right on these tiny ones and bring them in!!

This was a bit larger.........
Today, weather was much nicer!! NO WINDS!! However hatch was so-so, hence so were rises. For both afternoons, dry-flies that have been posted recently worked just fine. However, as BWO hatches more active, I started to see some trout slicing something just beneath the surface. I have seen this last fall!! And I developed this pattern for this situation (and even beyond!!). Ladies & Gentlemen, do you remember Winged Victory Nymph - BWO?
Or try this link for my YouTube Video (somehow I couldn't paste video window).

I set the hook for the first one but it got away....felt large!! I didn't miss the next one!! Very strong for my light 4wt and 6X tippet!!

 Gotcha!! See Winged Victory is confidently taken!!

This one seemed to have eaten "rough".

However, notice here!! BWO nymphs with split cases and protruding wings were taken just as I guessed. So trout were slicing at ascending nymphs just below the surface!!

I also experienced another great riddle this afternoon. Only about 15 feet away from where trout were feeding BWO, there was another group of risers. They didn't take any BWO patterns. I tied on a midge emerger pattern and I got one!! It was like just kidding........the first one was really a leaper and much larger than this. I can't emphasize how selective these trout can be!!

 Then I picked up this one floating!! Yes, stonefly hatched in the creek!!

The more hatches occur, the more I think and learn. I'll keep updating what I observe!!


  1. Satoshi,
    Thanks for the blog,I find it very interesting. Jack Gartside used cigarette filters for the dubbing of his "filter fly". He thought maybe the fly was taken by the trout as a freshly molted stonefly which is very pale or "albino".

    1. Thanks for the info. Mr. Jack is my tying hero so I'll try & tie some Filter Fly. Hopefully I'm posting my catch soon!

    2. Satoshi,
      I am also a big fan of Jack Gartside's patterns. I first learned about your blog when I searched for tying videos on YouTube about his "Sparrow" and I found your video about the Brindle Sparrow. The story of the filter fly is on his website, perhaps you are already familiar with it.
      I was wondering if the "slashing" feeding you were seeing was from their tails as they nosed into the vegetation after the emerging nymphs. This resulted in all the vegetative matter in your pump sample. Just an idea...keep up the interesting work.

    3. More precisely, Mr. Jack is my Soft-hackle hero! Bridle Sparrow is my tribute tie for him.
      I can't say if trout were nosing into weeds for sure. Although entire length of creek has healthy population of aquatic weed beds, the spot I was fishing could be a little tricky with weeds. Even if it would be 10-12 inch trout, it can be hard to pull out once they dive into weeds.
      Reasons I judged trout were taking emerging nymphs are 1. they were rising without breaking surface 2. accumulation of stomach samples collected from those trout.
      There are always something to learn at Livingston spring creeks...
