
Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring River Report - Chasing "Lower Beast"

My friend John from Nebraska is visiting me. He checked in yesterday and we hit Boulder River in the town of Big Timber, MT. Clear water and big blue sky, it was a great afternoon.

I did OK with some respectable sizes of trout.

Rainbow that seemed in/out of spawning......

I was happy with this catch!

John caught even nicer one!!
Today, first in the morning, crew at RO Drift Boat did some wonderful jobs to refurbish the floor (from last year's hard work.....). Then we hit "Lower" section of Yellowstone River. Apparently this was the very first day for me and my boat to float since last September!! Also I want you readers to know that I love floating Yellowstone River as much as fishing spring creeks on foot!!

It was a perfect weather to float first of all. Then, it was also perfect to target "Lower Beast" that are known to be caught in spring before runoff with streamers. The moment I held my oars, I was back to "Guide Mode". It was slow, to be honest. But we were positive. Suddenly (repeat) suddenly, John had a HUGE TUG!! John is THE BIG TROUT HUNTER who has fished all over the West. I notice it would be really huge at once too. I pulled over my boat quickly and get my net ready, which was also replaced with brandnew rubber net. We got THE LOWER BEAST!!!

It was a true TWO-FOOTER!! - My Boat Record!!

However, it wasn't the end of story. After these pictures were taken, John had another huge tug!!

And this was what happened.......

I was glad John got what he was expecting for this trip = Lower Giant with streamers!!
And that was The first trout for the first float for 2013 and for the replaced net!! 
But don't forget who checked boat ramps and water conditions in advance and suggested him to float this section with his boat!!

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