
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Guiding Starts 2013

In May I fished between Master Breeder projects. This month, I see guide trips scheduled in my calender. We haven't seen hoards of tourists, hence visiting anglers either, in Livingston and Gardiner (probably in West Yellowstone as well). And at this time of year, we usually have only a few public waters available to fish. Yet, if one hits it right, I consider June can be the best month to come & fish in Montana and Yellowstone Park. 
To make our fishing conditions complicated in a good way, we have more than handful of public rivers available to fish for this time of year!! Late frosty weather in late May is delaying snow-melt in high elevation. For what I hear & see online, people are enjoying floating Madison and even Yellowstone River around town of Livingston!! That means Yellowstone Park waters are also remaining low & clear. For more details, check with fly-shops close to waters you intend to fish!

Yesterday, I had Taka during his first ever trip to Yellowstone Country. First and foremost, I wanted him to catch trout by fly-fishing. But also on top of that, I wanted to introduce fineness of dry-fly fishing, understanding trout behavior, and learning insect hatches (just to name a few.....). Water that can offer us all is: nowhere but Firehole River in Yellowstone Park!!
As I was just about lecturing things, trout started to rise!! 
To be exact, Hydropsyche (tan caddis) #14 & 16
Caddis were flying all over and crawling on our waders too. Firehole was indeed "insect factory" for us yesterday!!

Eventually, White Miller Caddis (Nectopsyche) were hatching too!! We did decode the hatch and trout behavior!!

After belly-full of lunch, we head to Madison also in the Park. While we were fishing, I felt something on my neck. I did exactly the same as a scene from "A River Runs Through It"!!

I guided Taka to experience typical "Madison Tactics" and we hauled in some fish too!!

My first day guiding for 2013 went well. The more I conduct trips, the more I come to appreciate it's not just about fishing. It's about spending days with good people under Greater Yellowstone Country. Catching trout is BONUS (important one, of course)!!
See you along the river!!

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