
Friday, June 21, 2013

PMD Time!! - Livingston's Spring Creeks

NEWS: Before I go on more about spring creeks, check out the recent update at Fly Anglers OnLine ( for the new chapter of my column. I'm getting into more specific technique and tactics for spring creeks.
Guide season and prime fishing season have just kicked off!! As shops and guides like myself have been reporting, we didn't experience heavy runoff this year. Each day, I start to see one or a few more boats on the way to rivers than the previous day. There are more tourists visiting Yellowstone National Park too! For Livingston guides, especially those who love to fish and guide spring creeks, our sign is THE PMD hatch!! YES!! They are here!!

I went out for scouting to DePuy's Spring Creek ( As I greet owners and Buzz & Max at the shop (, PMD were hatching and trout were rising for their heart content!! My season opener for spring creek was this typical DePuy's Brown!!

Now is the time for spawning time of Yellowstone Cutthroat. Although Cutty's run to DePuy's is not as heavy as browns' (fall) and rainbows' (spring), this is the period one can see big population of Yellowstone Cutty in the system. Which means, PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THEIR REDDS!! Most of Cutty are eager to rise!!, including this massive one!!
I caught a couple of rainbows too. Each species is just fine and strong!!
For some of you out there who also like to "pump", here you go!! Check out what trout are feeding on and broaden your imagination at your tying benches!!

Although there are more effective patterns out there and I have more patterns with me, these are my current go-tos. Patterns I've been developing and experimenting are proven to be effective!! I should have stocked more during winter!? These my original patterns are shown with more stories and pictures in my sales site (

Pheasant Tail Mayfly Cripple - PMD #16 & 18, with more emphasis on #18.

Pheasant Tail Mayfly Parachute - PMD size 16 & 18. This is taken as an emerger, a dun, and a spinner!!

This simple parachute serves the same. Works very well when we search trout are taking either dun or spinner.

Paraloop (Hackle Stacker) Emerger

Para-Post Emerger

Staple among staples, Sawyer PT Master Angler Version #16 & 18

Rusty Spinner

And one of my recent creations, SY-PMD Soft-Hackle!!

That said, Gray Baetis, Sulphur, caddis, and midge are also hatching in the afternoon and trout keep rising. It's very pretty to see but very hard to determine which bug individual trout is feeding on!! Just like human beings, trout also have individual choices and tastes!!

See you along the creek!

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