
Monday, August 5, 2013

Start-of-August Report

I don't say "July has gone quickly". It was so dense and concentrated in many ways. Starting from DePuy's Spring Creek (, I've been anywhere fishy in my area. Hopefully August will also be filled with many days of fishing, various rivers, lots of trout, new flies, and most importantly good people!! It has started very well! Let's look!

At the stretch I had my "Busman's Holiday" the other day on Gallatin, my client's rod was bent by a hefty something!!

Again, Green Drake hatch was the secret "today's special"!! Westsloper couldn't resist!!

There was no apparent or visible Drake hatches for human eyes but trout stomach samples let me know so.........

This is the killer Green Drake Soft-Hackle (Master Angler Version)!!
I had a fine teen rookie who fly-fished for the first time during the first ever Yellowstone family trip. He was one of the most quickly grown & improved beginners I had ever initiated. Brookies gave us lots of actions and joys. He will soon catch big ones!!
Then another scouting day = Busman's Holiday = started like this!!
And ended like this!! Some of the best Yellowstone Cutty!!

2013 season is going strong. We are experiencing "cool & standard summer" and expecting positively to remain so till we feel the touch of the fall. So forget "drought & low-water" rumors that might be circulating in the fly-fishing community.

Till next report.......


  1. Really like that soft hackle green drake pattern. If I make it back out to the Frying Pan this fall I may have to borrow that one and give it a try!

    1. This type of soft-hackles is very effective when fishing for pretty much any mayflies. You can simply adjust/modify sizes and colors for insects & hatches you are hitting for. I also have a flymph pattern. I will post that as time goes by along with how to fish these soft-hackles effectively and efficiently.
