
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Week 4 Report

NEWS: As some of you might have already noticed, I resumed my Winter Fly Shop and YouTube video posting. You can find my videos on the side bar, which shows the latest updates. I have updated my fly catalog a lot: I have accumulated substantial amounts of my own patterns so I deleted most of general and someone's patterns. I still like those patterns and tie them but this is my fly-shop to show my patterns. And I believe my patterns make my shop unique. So check out my catalog and ask me any questions.

I have also started working on my writing. I just submitted the summary of this fall's baetis hatch at DePuy's Spring Creek to Fly Anglers OnLine ( That will appear soon. Starting with that, I will be working on next series of columns for next year. Anyway, there are bunch of informative articles there, so bookmark it and keep checking their updates!!
For those reasons above, I have started to visit DePuy's ( slightly less and stay shorter than past three weeks. Yet I have fished the creek 4 different days so I guess I'm still qualified to make a weekly report.

Baetis is still hanging in there. Here's another coloration for this fall........... Another species? What are vivid eyes of yours?? Do I need to mimic for my flies or what?

I've been trying to fish till the hatch is rally gone for the season. I will never forget this fall's lesson & experience.

FA Nymph!! (in catalog now!!)
No wonder it works!!

I finally conquered this fall's "techiest" spot with "pickiest" trout!! There will be a detailed writing in an article that I submitted to FAOL!!

See.........this is what I'm talking about.......... This and one above must be in totally different Genus, don't you agree?

I just got back from the creek. I don't know when would be the last hatch & the last dry-fly action for the year so I fished very hard while it lasted.
Small but feisty!!
 Not bad for the last one, if this would be the one..........

As it was on my Improved Pheasant Puff (PP2)!! - updated on catalog also!!

If you observe carefully, you should be able to tell that stomach contents are changing.......
Something other than mayfly duns/nymphs are getting more common....... This will tell us the season.......
 Fall-Run browns still continue!! Now he is the No. 1 candidate for the KING to match the QUEEN!! 23-incher!!
Fine fish!!
 What are you looking at!?
Last several days, I have noticed my right forearm has been sore. I thought about the cause. Being Lefty, I net my catch with my right arm........Ahhhhhh...... I must have developed "net-a-rthritis". It's caused by scooping 20+ inch & 4+ pound trout frequently!!

Anyway he was another fine catch!! 22" Dandy!!
What are you looking at!!??

Here's another one with my new egg....... Hint: it's already in my YouTube library.

So Baetis hatch may end soon but I will still pursue BIG fall-runners for the rest of month!!
To be continued.

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