
Monday, April 7, 2014

Best of Spring Hatch - PM BWO (baetis)

Just as the last time for DePuy's & Armstrong's posts, I decided to post Midge actions and BWO (baetis) actions separately. It's simply an AM-PM thing. Also, I figure that readers would get a better idea of what's going on and what I'm up to on a typical spring day at DePuy Spring Creek (

BWO hatches and trout behavior were slightly less complicated than midge time in the morning. To put it simply, when hatch happens, trout key on only DUNS. All I need is dry-fly duns or any patterns floating. So when I had some difficulties and frustrations during morning midge hatches, afternoon BWO time was a relief and a time to regain my self-esteem!!
This is what I see now!! Size 20s.
Rainbows in spawning modes also rise on BWO duns!!
This one was 1-inch shorter than above but wide and heavy!!
Believe or not, it was only a 16-incher!!

Then, as always, browns act just like as they want to. Sometimes they would rise easily but also they would cruise and be a food critique. This was one of the most memorable catches at spring creeks. He was rising but also cruising randomly. He rose and sipped my No-Hackle Gnat!!
Need I say more about how happy I was?

Indeed, regardless of sizes, browns can be selective food-critiques with some attitude.

No Hackle Gnat has been the key for success!!

Freshly run-up from the River!! This size of rainbows are really fun for the rod!!

Nice brown on BWO dun too!!

And this is one of the nicest and memorable run-up rainbows caught during match-the-hatch!!

Hefty 18-incher on 6X!!
This was on my own FA Nymph!!

Sample from other trout: No wonder my patterns, especially FA Nymph, will work at the creek!!

So, I have just packed my 6wt that I've been using for nymphs and streamers as dry-flies & match-the-hatch have become my main fishing intentions. I mean, nymphs and streamers are still very productive and one can take LOTS OF trout with them. I'm not limiting myself either. I'm just focusing on insect hatches and corresponding trout behaviors.

Anyways, I'm enjoying some of the best spring fishing ever!!

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