
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Madison Caddis Bonanza

It seems recently I'm going back & force between spring creeks of Paradise Valley and Madison River of Madison Valley. It's all for good reasons.
Salmonfly is the hottest commodity right now on the Madison!!
But many other insects are popping and enticing trout!! It can't be better!!
Namely, PMD and Caddis.
Hatches were already great from the early morning but I was catching only small ones. At one of those particular yet non-descriptive braids above the town of Ennis, I was totally taken in awe!! Suddenly a massive shadow came up and inhaled my attractor dry-fly!! It did fight as Madison Rainbows were supposed to do!!
The same spot, a bit smaller yet as much feisty brown came next!!
Just like what I observed in the air and on the water.

 One I caught later on was totally Caddis-dominant!!

 and so on......
For your wall-paper if you wish........
So, what was the hot fly for me yesterday?
I happened to find this in my box as I was picking what to use. But I knew this was my recent tie. Also I'm sure it must have been somewhere in the book or website that I CAN'T RECALL...... Could've been my own idea.......if so I usually remember the story and concept......maybe my brain is functioning less recently........ If someone comes up with the reference and point out which & what, let me know.
By then I call it "No Name Caddis".
This is a very simple & straight-forward  tie with only 3 materials. Here's the clipped-hackle version, which works the same.

I'll soon see and experience the same = Salmonfly & Caddis on the Yellowstone!! Can't wait!!

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