
Thursday, July 24, 2014

YNP Dawn Treader 2 - On The "Beaten" Path

Yesterday, I hit the trail within Yellowstone Park, leaving, again, my house way before dawn. It's a well-known "beaten" path and fishery so no descriptions needed.

"Cardiac Hill" for the first thing in the morning made me think otherwise........
 Reaching and fishing here weren't my objective but I wouldn't mind testing waters. OMG, a native Cutty first thing in the morning made my effort rewarding already......
I moved on to the destination.
According to the source, this water holds a distinctive strain of Yellowstone Cutty.......... After fruitless attempts and bushwacking, I got it!!
Here's a happy fisherman!!
I can't give any description but at a glance, I have noticed Cutty in this drainage DO have a vivid spot on their gills (both sides, almost symmetric), just like moles.

In the afternoon, I moved back to the stream. It was another Cutty Bonanza day!! My priginal patterns were gladly inhaled!!

Last one!! Happy end!!

Here are yesterday's hot flies.
Combo Ant

Yes I enjoyed the day!!..............But here's a consequence. I had to walk back to my truck at the end of the day, after I had too much activities.............. My body is squeaking as of this typing........ Anyway, it was another great day in YNP and was worth being a "Dawn Treader"!!
Back to guiding!!

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