
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Back to Fishing & Atlantic Salmon Flies

As forecast, this week warmed up nicely! Even too warm!? It reached over 40F for a couple of days. Is it the fall again? But also our famous November winds came back.

Anyway, I was glad to go back to fishing at DePuy's Spring Creek ( Insect hatches are not as predictable and thick as in October but hit right, it can be still fun!! Blue-Winged-Olive = baetis is still hanging on. I had a short yet viable hatch. Trout rose carefully and graciously. I had hooked but lost some potential big fish! That's all about the fall baetis fishing. I was still happy with any sizes of trout.
Fall-run browns are still consistent.
A fellow creek occupant was trying to warm up.........
Not super big but I liked the way and spot I caught this one. Also the picture quality with the new camera of mine. See me and trout are standing out of background!!??
Almost all the same spot but definitely a different and larger Browny!! Again, besides the method and spot, I like the pic itself!!
I observed this one.........He may devote his soul and flesh to the water soon.......
As said above, baetis hatches can be good but also midge hatches are still amazingly, even crazy, good and constant!!

 Just like with baetis fishing, I have hooked and lost potential larger trout........but I was still happy and satisfied with any sizes of trout.
Then, I was finally able to come back to another passion of mine = Atlantic Salmon Flies.
I checked my inventory and started the season.  One of important preparations was twisting silk for gut-loops. Slow but steady job! As I went through every step, my mind-set, motivation, and maneuvers on my fingers rekindled!!
It's been over 6 months since I last built one. I could be nervous, wondering if I could recall procedures and techniques or even being afraid if I had forgotten whole things!!
I had to get myself started anyway. The first pattern I chose was Traherne's Wonder.
I'd like to call it "not bad" for the start of my sophomore year.

Then I have just acquired this book. For contemporary Atlantic Salmon flies enthusiasts, this book is regarded as "voices" and "legend". I have some special feelings to this book.

Many more Atlantic Salmon Flies to come through winter till spring.
And I'm still looking for "Brown of The Year"!!

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