
Thursday, July 2, 2015

PMD Days Go On

PMD (Pale Morning Dun, Ephemerella) hatches on Livingston's spring creeks are strong and better than ever!! I had repeating clients of 3 seasons, father and son, and we had some of the greatest fishing! So many insects activities, so many trout including some impressive individuals, and good foods for lunch!
We fished DePuy's ( and Armstrong's ( Spring Creeks. We had great PMD emergence, mid-morning to early afternoon, each day and then we were SUPER fortunate enough to conclude each day with the impressice PMD spinner falls.
Again, let pictures do the talking.

Day 1: DePuy's


Day 2: Armstrong's

Day 3: DePuy's

Spinner falls begun dramatically!! Each angler caught one of the best trout during the trip!!

I always feel that I'm fortunate to be at these creeks at the BEST time with good people and good trout. THANK YOU!! See you next year!!

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