
Monday, November 9, 2015

Into Winter Hour

I have started working on my usual winter projects!
Fly catalog has been updated with brandnew patterns!
A series of YouTube tying videos has just begun too! I intend to upload one video a week. In order to keep up, you are welcome to Subscribe.

As the title and the greeting above suggest, I've shifted to winter mode. For my own fishing, I go out in the afternoon. Rest, I work inside for Atlantic Salmon Flies, tying trout flies, and what's said above, etc.
My Outfitting business is OPEN all year around. There is NO winter hour for it. I guide you all day!!

Following report is, well, about a week old - which was my last full-day fishing at DePuy's Spring Creek ( Perhaps in late March, I might go back to "full-day" again!?

Anyway, for the first thing in the morning, Mr. O-O was inhaled - there would be a consequence of this later in the day.

It was Monday 2nd, so we already adjusted our clocks and watches. I was anticipating baetis hatch "an hour earlier" with my newly adjusted watch!! - seriously this is important!!
Baetis hatch occurred just as I anticipated at one of my favorite spots.
After two near-misses, I wasn't discouraged, rather focused more. Then on my size 20 baetis dry-fly, I got a rise and set the hook successfully!!  BIIIIIIIGG!! Leaping out of creek several times!!
It was a river-run brown!!
I'd like to call it #20-20" (= catching a 20-inch trout on size 20 dry-fly).........honestly just a bit shorter........But certainly one of my happiest catches!!
I got a nice rainbow next!!

With the new time, yes, the evening and dark approach quicker........
Evening was again O-O time!! At one particular spot, a group of river-run trout kept attacking on the swinging Mr. O-O!!
It was also interesting that next trout was larger than the previous one. And the last one was the largest!! Happy!!
 And.........I can't believe the medium gold wire literally got ripped!!
Some bucks.........
I fished really hard and late........
And today, it turned out to be nice, especially after a series of snow and winds. I visited the creek in the afternoon. I caught a very ending glimpse of baetis hatch (lazy boy...). There are many more numbers of large brown trout are running up from Yellowstone River. I don't say "all through the creek" but also "not necessarily looking for redds or redds area". Over the seasons, I have developed spots to keep my eyes on.
A solid buck!!
Since I came late, I stayed late. This time, it was even larger than the above specimen!!

1-inch larger!! - same size as the one from a week ago. These two are 2nd largest for this fall.

Oh, by the way, I'm with a new scarf from this week..........
Last but not the least, my Atlantic Salmon Flies projects are going stronger this season. Perhaps least I'm using larger hooks!!

Black Ranger (Geo. M. Kelson)
Jock Scott (Geo. M. Kelson)
Project #1 is progressing really well!! I keep you posted!!

Until next post!


  1. Some really nice fish there, I'd say you've got those Fall run browns figured out. Good looking fly as swinging soft hackles.

  2. Hey, I saw your recent post. Too. Looks like a good trip! Steelhead has been in my bucket list too (I even lived in Washington state but didn't - long story). My salmon flies are just worth being swung and drowned.

  3. Very impressive! Getting a fish that big, this time of year, and on size 20 fly is pretty damn amazing. You are a wizard man. I really enjoy your blog and appreciate your knowledge.

  4. Very impressive! Getting a fish that big, this time of year, and on size 20 fly is pretty damn amazing. You are a wizard man. I really enjoy your blog and appreciate your knowledge.
