
Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Salmon Fly

Happy New Year!! 
-------- Sorry for being late and absent.............. I've been busy, sometimes distracted, with many things...... Hope all of you have had a good start of new year. Gone any fishing?  - in that regard around here, nothing to miss around here.............COLD!! and lots of SNOW!! Though not much fishing is going on now around here, we strongly welcome the Return of Big Old Winter and are already anxious for good summer flows in area rivers!!! It's strongly advised to start thinking about your fishing trips to Montana and Yellowstone National Park for Greater 2017!!

Before I go on, I'd like to introduce that my good friend & neighbor launched a website;
I know he goes to China every winter, then inspects and selects only top quality Tonkin Bamboos for Cane Rod Building. Every rod builder and enthusiast should check his website!!

As I announced in the newsletter, I've been working on salmon flies, off and on, since last September (usually a few in October then full-time from November). Though I've been posting so often at Facebook, I don't think I've done here. So this post will be the comprehensive coverage!!

Following 5 flies were dressed for exhibition (and consignment) for Livingston Center for Art & Culture. Each was framed in a single shadowbox.

Dusty Miller (George Kelson): This is an unusual style as "toppings inside out" on each side.

Green Highlander: I have special feelings for this pattern. This was the first pattern I worked on with my teacher. How many did I practice............... I must have come far..............

Evening Star (Major Traherne): None of Major's patterns come easy........ This is one of whole-feather patterns.

Following two are, in my opinion, very unique among Major Traherne's patterns as these are ONLY 2 patterns with married wings.  Furthermore, styles and proportions are practically the same.

Fra Diavolo: Amherst pheasant tails show quite accents!
Traherne's Wonder: Above said, actually some say this is not exactly a Major's pattern............ Anyways, this is my most favorite one. I'm happy with wing color schemes, then how Roof came out with Summer Duck (Barred Woof Duck) strips............
And they were all framed like this!! I received great reviews from Center and audience.

My own projects, that I assigned to myself, are going on as well.

This is actually the second time that I worked on Dr. T.E. Pryce-Tannatt Plates 3 & 4 in his "How to Dress Salmon Flies" (oh, how green I was back then😳). I'm very satisfied with how each fly came up and my presentations & framing in the groups.

Plate 3: These were dressed on Partridge of Redditch CS 10/3, 3/0, 2/0, 1/0, respectively.

Sir Richard: I decided to finish in this style though I do have each feathers, used in wings, with longer barbs that reach the tail.
 Benchill: I like it!
 Childers: I like this one too!

Plate 4:
Helmsdale Doctor; dressed on Harrison-Bartleet Dee 3/0 - it's a very long hook! This is another favorite of mine!!
 Gordon: dressed on Harrison-Bartleet 4/0, very colorful!!
Silver Doctor: dressed on Francis Francis 3/0. This is another initial pattern I worked with my mentor. Again, I must have come far..........

Then this is the ongoing project...........No date set for completion.........
You'll easily guess what I'm working on.........All of these are and will be dressed on CS 10/3 3/0 = 5/0 for most hooks.

Harlequin: Looking simple but it's not easy to come....... Another favorite from this season!
Silver Doctor: Compared to Pryce-Tannatt's recipe, GMK's consists of a few less materials. Either way another 🅰 Doctor from this season!
Thunder and Lightning: T & L is another one of those patterns that has so many variations by each era, author, and book. Following GMK's recipe, I finished with my style. Simple yet elegant, I like it!

Hopefully you are tying some flies for the upcoming season!!
And someday soon, when snow gets shorter for easy access and river waters have no ice jams, I hope to go fishing!


  1. Those look tight! You selling any of them?

    1. Yes, I take custom orders for any Atlantic Salmon Fly patterns, either single frame or in a group.
      I'd like you to see each fly or groups of them, via my fly sales site: . Please click on pages.

      I can dress very much any type of traditional Atlantic salmon flies.

      So if you are interested in a single frame, group frame, or just asking me technical advises for your own fly-tying, please feel free to contact me.
