
Thursday, June 28, 2018

PMD on Spring Creek

Pale Morning Dun hatch on Livingston's spring creeks is definitely the most important time that we won't miss with our annual fishing clock. Every year I feel so blessed that I can be on creeks. It doesn't matter whether I fish or guide.

After wet weathers in the previous week affected hatches (hatch did happen, it just came later on the day), weather finally settled for our favor. Not only good for hatches and rises, but it simply comfortable to be outside. On this day at DePuy's Spring Creek, though I can't say for sure, unusual breeze from northeast might have affected some in the morning. At least it made hard for us to spot fish in the creek. But then, PMD did hatch in the late morning. We had constant actions rest of the day😁

This time of year, Yellowstone Cutthroat are plenty in the creek as they swim up from Yellowstone River for spawning. Considering this year's high water on the river, they may linger in good numbers all through summer.

This was a very good stomach sample, and
This was perhaps our fish of the day, very nice Cutt👍
 And the winner fly is my own Buddy Wing Emerger😏
We had lunch as trout were digesting their own morning grubs. We must have given them enough time to digest as they started to rise when spinner falls occurred😎
Our last one to wrap up the day👏😃

Our boy has just started learning to fly-fish👶😆
His first rainbow and his name's sake fly-rod😁

Summer has just begun! Area streams will be available one by one. I keep you posted.
See you on the stream👋

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