
Monday, June 4, 2018

YNP Our Opening Day

This year, Yellowstone National Park fishing season has been opened since May 26th.
We were anticipating something🤰but not really happening😶, neither was this weekend so we hit a road for a quick trip on US 89 to Yellowstone National Park.
Upon my wifey's request🙋, we had our opening day of YNP fishing😁
Either well-planned or spontaneously, we always like to fish somewhat minor water-bodies or spots for our opening day. And as always, she out-fishes me😅😓😘

I'm hearing good and likely reports from west side of YNP. North to northeast sides are behind. As the weather consistently warms up, I bet lakes and ponds will produce well. Also that helps to push the runoff. I'd say Gardner River would be fishable, at least would make us feel doable, in two weeks 😗. Rest of Yellowstone River systems, I'll keep good eyes and ears from Livingston to YNP.

Speaking of YNP fishing, from this season, Lefty Angler & Flies has acquired own guide permission (Commercial Use Authorization = CUA). Now is the time to start planning your trips and book guide service with me!! Not just YNP, Livingston's spring creek are always great to be, and float trips on Yellowstone, Madison, and Bighorn Rivers will be very enjoyable and productive all summer.

1 comment:

  1. CUA is just another permission and finally it's time for me to step up.
    39 weeks and counting.............that's all I can say......
