
Saturday, November 19, 2011

More Shotgun Blasted

I woke up and started to regret & wonder why I had to go fishing on this kind of day........Well at least there was no hazardous wind all day......... Yet it was like this at 9am.

I also found another reason why. I must be infected....... (One can see this in Angler's Hut = Middle Hut at DePuy).

Jokes aside, I fished very hard. Now fishing is my serious job as I want to be the top guide soon, but this was beyond training or practice but a freezing torture to myself. Furthermore, I selected a less popular and hard-to-fish section though I was the only one customer. What was I thinking? I wanted to perfect what I learned & found yesterday. And I think I did.
With the "Shotgunning", my own Royal Ray Charles received more than one approvals from DePuy's trout!!!

In the middle of upper jaw!!

I was not the only one brave heart. Look at this little fella in the middle of freezing 'Stone. I hope she decides to come back to the bank.

Lunch & thawing time!!

I kept trying Shotgunning. I hooked then netted or lost lots of them. I caught a feisty rainbow on the egg!!

Right after that within a few minutes, like yesterday afternoon, pretty much the same spot, I hooked a nice & handsome brown!!

From yesterdays experience, "grip-&-grin" is actually better to keep my sleeves dry rather than trying to lay them still for entire body pictures. So I just braved my hands and I thought this would be it for today.

Wrong!! At a totally overlooked spot, I hooked the best one for the day. It was also totally impossible to get to him without Shotgunning, really!!

This happened right in front of the hut, so I rushed in and warmed up one more time for the last chance. As the Sun setting west, sort of steam was coming up from the creek!!

I could pretty much cover the section and intention that I planned for today. This was the last catch!!

I'd say today was one of the BEST fishing days. It's so satisfying. I pushed myself into the wilderness and survived without falling in, that's one. Then I decoded the myth and rumor of the section I fished. I ended up catching lots of fish and mastering & perfecting new techniques and theories. I figured out why Shotgunning is so deadly. "Because" will make me write three more posts so I can't but you can figure out by watching YouTube clip on my last post!!

Wind is going to blow for next several days. I don't know when I can go back to the creek!!


  1. First, I wish I could fish right now here in Wisconsin. Second, I wish there were warming huts along the creeks I fish too :) Even with warming huts it looks like one hell of a cold day. Nice job figuring out that new stretch and pulling out some more beautiful trout. I really dig that top fly too. I bet getting back to home fire felt great when the day was done. Thanks for sharing and great pics. Tight Lines.

  2. There are three huts at DePuy and each has a stove. Great hospitality to fish in winter. Royal RC is my own idea. But you can figure out how to tie if you tie regular Ray Charles, Tight Lines to you too!

  3. I wish a lot of places have the warming huts!!

  4. Yeah, DePuy's winter pass is really worth the money. There are many more woods to be burned till April 14th!!
