
Friday, November 18, 2011

Shotgunning @ DePuy

No sir, no mam, I didn't do any duck or muskrat killings at the creek.
I head to DePuy's this afternoon as I booked for tomorrow. Reason? Because it was not windy!! And it's supposed to be be not windy again tomorrow. Either way it's getting colder every day.
My agenda for today and tomorrow is "Shotgunning". Here's the video featuring Gary Borger (from yonder years). Watch around 3:00 minutes in. If you want to go through all 6 of clips, you may suspect, like I do, part of it would definitely be filmed in Armstrong's.

 Also for readers, click this article by Jason Borger.

 I trailed "egg" and Sparkle Scud.

As I was getting into the position, I started casting. I'd say I wasn't quite ready for the action. WHAM!! Something huge started to run and leap!! Massive rainbow!!

On Sparkle Scud!!

Looks like I got some water splash or moist on the lens but it's OK as other picture shows my nose was dripping!!

I felt enough already. Now I wanted to get to the position and started casting on the way. Within a few minutes, just about the same spot, I felt another huge bite!! This time on egg!!

My hands, sleeves, and handkerchief were not dried yet!!

Catching-wise, I was ready to go home but I hadn't even tested that stretch and my tactics yet. Now I wanted to get in position. Started casting........within a few minutes, I felt much bigger bite!!  

20-incher, give or take, 3 in a row!!!! I thought this 3rd one might get close to my record but was ONLY 21-inch......

I had two 18-inch browns also and hooked/lost a few more so-so ones. I could go through that stretch just before my fingers frozen off and made another notes. Quite a surprise for a quick afternoon outing. Then I proved Shotgunning is deadly at riffles of spring creeks. It's an aggressive nymphing, not just watching bobber and cursing at whitefish!!
Tomorrow's gonna be colder.........Do I need to dip my sleeves again!?


  1. Is that antron or z-lon in the first fly?

  2. That's Zelon to imitate egg veil and some sparkling effect. But it may be just for our eyes. Trout should simply bite on Otter's Egg.

  3. Excellent man. Those browns are beastly and the rainbow is a beauty. Nicely done. Stay warm out there tomorrow. tight lines.

  4. Thanks man. It was colder today. But fishing was excellent. Now my fingers are warmed up to type a new post.

  5. Satoshi—Nice combo of fish! Hope that the rest of winter treats you so well (and yeah, that GB video is pushing nearly *30* years old).

  6. Jason, Creek is filled with lots of big trout (and some whitefish). So far we are having a very dry winter but who knows? I quoted GB video to encourage more people to try nymphing at spring creeks.
