
Monday, October 15, 2012

DePuy's Winter Pass Opening-Day!!

Title says all. This is my another and last Opening Day for the season. Since I have Yellowstone River and creeks that are open-year-around, I really don't have season opening/closing days. Maybe YNP. Though I'm not enthusiastic to make rows along Madison or Firehole on Memorial Day weekend, closure = the first Sunday of November is somewhat emotional. Yet it's indeed an "Opening" considering past 3 weeks of NO-fishing period (recovering from hard-guiding and working on some other stuffs) "Winter Pass" is not exactly a right naming for me. It's more like "Fall to Spring Pass" or for some anglers "Fall & Spring Pass", I guess. I was waiting for this day. Last night, I couldn't sleep from excitement. The fun (I could call it privilege!!) goes on till April 14th next year.

Weather was calling for my liking. Brown trout are leaping at..............Oh what a scene!! My first trout for this year's Pass was like this!!

Caught on my all-time favorite Doug's Home Invader.

Guess how big.......Good enough for an Opener.

THEN!! My next hit was BIG &HUGE HOG!! Fight wasn't dramatic but not easy. It swam toward me like a submarine. I could almost net it but TOO BIG TO SCOOP FOR GOOD!! Playing around my feet with some currents was a bad omen. It could go between my legs!! What a shame!!...............Lost him........He was gone........It could have been AS BIG AS LAST YEARS (my current title pic).............End of story.

Another best thing with Winter Pass is this period still offers some of the best hatches at the Creek. WAIT!! Who's this?

This is the one we usually expect, Fall baetis.

This simple CDC Dun worked perfect.

Fly selection, Angle, Drag-free, Timing of rises, (list goes on) everything has to be PERFECT (or close)!! Happy 'Bow!!

In a way, catching this small at DePuy's can be harder than catching bigger individuals!!

Brown came too!!

Look what they are eating and take a note!!
Baetis hatch went from 1 to 3PM. Then, everyone in my vicinity decided to go home!! What a pity.........I know a bit more (of course some of those "civilian" anglers had things to do). I was positive trout would rise again on MIDGES just in a short while..........!! And they did. This simple Emerger pattern was all I needed (or all trout liked!!)

Pushing 17-inch Browny on tiny midge pattern with 6X tippet!! VOILA!! I felt it does compensate my loss in the morning and sooth my feeling!!

From the very first day, it was mix of everything!! I don't know how many days I make this time but I know it's fun at DePuy's all the time!!
I understand Winter Pass would mostly be for locals but I do suggest anglers from all over the country and world still should visit DePuy at this low rate period. For some of the best and BIGGEST fishing of the year!! To Be Continued for the rest of the Pass........


  1. Nice trout and nice flies! Sorry that the BIG one got away. As you experienced lots of people miss out on very interesting fly fishing heading home too early. That's when it gets really interesting. Hope you get another shot at the BIG one.
    Kind regards,

  2. M.O. Thanks for encouragement. Yeah, I will pursue my record breaking trout. Also I keep enjoying evening hatches all by myself!
