
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

DePuy's 2: Unbalanced Diet or Unbalanced Luck?

I have an announcement here. I have officially established my cattle breeding operation (my another seasonal profession in Montana. Company name is MONTANA'S MASTER BREEDER. Official website is no other than another Blogspot @ So if you fishy readers are interested in how milk & beef are produced and eventually served on your table, check it out! And let me know if you need cattle work or consultation (as well as trout catching and fly tying consultation!!)
So past few weeks, right after guiding over, and now when I'm not fishing, like yesterday, I have been working on this. Official fly-tying operation is soon to follow!!

Yesterday DePuy's ( was booked in full in this time of the year. (As said above I was doing other stuff but) it was a bit cruel that I could not get back for another shot for a potential trophy right on next day............. I was super anxious to get back this morning. Of course I'm always the first one at the creek!! Good start!!

Next one was OK too........

I moved from my always & most promising "trophy" spot. Drove and tried around other stretch of the creek. Finally!!

It wasn't my record breaking but colors & shape & strength truly belonged to "Fall-Runner"!!

In spite of cold air, I soaked my sleeves..... He was about to bite on my camera!!

Now it was my turn to bite on something for lunch. From 12:30 to 1PM, trout became active again, this time for BWO. Hatch was good!! Rises were all over!! I had right flies!! I presented well!! I set hooks well!! HOWEVER!! NO trout came to my hands!! All gone in the middle; no tippets were broken, just slipped off from my flies.  I'd say all of them were 16-inch or larger..........
However, I had one exciting and content note. My brandnew pattern, that I designed last night!!, was taken by those lost souls!! One large brown put a big fight right after I lost a huge rainbow. Look what happened......... This picture shows "USED & CHEWED" so once I tie a new bunch (now with more confidence in them!!), I will explain what about.
Today, though I spent late and patient, trout didn't respond to MIDGES (they were abundant.....).

One more shot with streamers......... I felt like it might be a bottom-snag. OHHHH!! Strong & Fast!! Got him!!

So it was a "one-way-or-the-other" day today......... Usually you would lose more fish with streamers than with dry-flies, don't you think so??
Weather pattern doesn't seem to matter for catching trout as the "RUN" and "HATCH" are so strong. Tomorrow, I gotta tie flies!! (plus some office works inside as a businessman!?)


  1. Hi again!

    Really lovely brown trout! It's wonderful just seeing them in a photo. I also know how it feels fighting them and finally net them or just unhooking to be released. Thanks for sharing!

    Kind regards,
    Mats Olsson

  2. Once again - nice job! Great looking browns!

  3. Mats & Joel,
    Thank you for encouragements. I'm just being lucky to hit the middle of run. Those browns are not interested in eggs of other nymphs, but only chasing streamers!
