
Saturday, October 20, 2012

OFF or ON?

I'm making the best use out of DePuy's Winter Pass. For last two posts, I could almost set up a routine: streamer (early & late) - BWO (1 - 3pm) - midge (around 5pm).  We all wish fishing were to be like this............. Let me look back past two days (Friday & Saturday).

Yesterday I started well.

Same spot!

I moved on to next section.

He wasn't the biggest of the creek or for me, but surely shaped like a FOOTBALL!!

We have just started to have typical stiff SW winds for the season. These fellas are facing & swimming against winds (SEE BONUS video below).

Yesterday, in spite of winds, there were certain amount of BWO hatch and rising trout. I was fishing at a likely spot with my new design in experiment..........

As I reported in the last post, I somehow kept losing large trout (after perfect hook-sets) on my new design. So I wasn't surprised to the take. Yet a beautiful 'Bow!!

Though my concepts are already illustrated, I haven't named yet and also still in experiments. There  has to be some more experiments for details so this is going to be marketable!! To be continued!!
Anyway, my new design DOES coincides and represents these from stomach sample of trout above.........
Then today, it's hard to define good or slow or hard to judge what was going on........Weather? Fall-finicky? I ended up catching ONE & ONLY ONE.............

Another FOOTBALL in different color!!
Happy enough!!

Although I wasn't at best spot or stretch for BWO & midge hatches, hatches & rises were very sporadic. Weather? Well..........wind wasn't too bad and it was a overcast condition with mix of rain & sun.............isn't is "supposed to be" a "BWO & Streamer" day?
On the other hand, this must be one of first bunch of large run-up rainbows (considering the amount I fish = probably the most among locals). This tells me rainbows are also on the move: either to munch on browns' eggs or stay in the creek to spawn even before spring. Cold front is forecast as of tomorrow Sunday. So that will make things more interesting!! Stay tuned!! I go & beat harsh weather and report live information for you (at least this month......)

BONUS video: Peaceful swans over my spot..............Who can get mad at them?


  1. Man , looks like you've been killing it lately!!
    Really nice fish...

    1. I'm enjoying as well as doing my best to break my record. But also I can't stop experimenting more spots and new flies.....

  2. Seriously good stuff. Wish I could get out as much as you. Good job!
