
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mid March Report

March seems running so fast for me!!
Next week, my schedule is mixed up with Master Breeder and even as of this writing, weather forecast is calling for a change, even some snow coming.........So I go through soon-to-be "temporal spring" days......As always at DePuy Spring Creek (

Yesterday, I quickly caught one and "pumped". Yes, BWO nymphs are abundant and trout are focusing on them. Duns are found here and there but Trust me, there is no constant trout rises now (unless you count 5 in whole afternoon). So come to the creek with that in mind and adjust your tactics accordingly.

 All rainbows are very strong right now!!

I caught one very distinctive looking buck!!

Yesterdays lucky item: Parks' Fly Shop ( Camo hat!! See I'm blending in the back! Being stealthy works? Maybe!

 I moved on. I checked an "Anadromous" spot...........

I lost track of how many I hooked, lost, or netted.......This one took my own Spring Creek Stone Nymph!!
Another Big & Strong one!!
Today, I was just happy enough to be outside in this nice weather. Trout were bonus......
Trust me I'm NOT squeezing!! Remember I'm a cattle breeder. My hands and fingers are very gentle on gentle things!!

Today's highlight!! Am I going in!!??

Both exhausted........not trophy pics........

It's not really worth to go details about my potentially new egg worked....maybe!?

Solid 'Bow!! Guess the spot from mountains and trees in the back, if you will!!

 Next spot.......

 One more spot......

This is one of a few browns caught recently.... Large & hungry browns don't seem to come up into the creek yet to munch on rainbows' eggs...

Have a good weekend!!

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