
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Over 60!!

Quick report for yesterday & today.
Title is double-meaning.
I fished 61 DAYS (today) with Winter Pass at DePuy's ( Counting from October 15th of last year, I'm visiting the creek average every 2.5 day. Fishing is always good and fun at DePuy's!! That's it!!
Second meaning is that air temperature has reached "Over 60F" yesterday and today. It's very warm for Montanans. But Paradise Valley residents, warm weather in spring means Spring Chinook, so to speak. Sandwiched by Gallatin and Absorkee mountains, it's air circulation in the Valley that causes infamous winds!!

But you readers (even some guided clients) already know that winds don't bother me! Rainbow Runs are very strong right now!! There are many a rainbow in the creek and all of them are very strong and aggressive. But then again, let me remind you to watch redds.

I'd better add "FAT" besides strong and aggressive..........

Again and again and you know this HOTTEST FLY..........

Nice Buck!!

Not me but trout............ Notice I'm wearing a regular hat.

 I "pumped" a little trout. This why B.P.C. works.

 Last & Biggest of yesterday!!

"Creek Regulars" would notice where I fished. Yeah, I fished the "Entrance for Trout" = the "Exit of the creek". I don't fish this spot as eagerly as others because I'd rather let trout in first. But yesterday, I just tried just to see how it feels........OK, I guess......

Today's first one!!!

 Gorgeous George!!

Truly a good fly should catch any sizes of trout, right!?

 Today's Big One!!

Probably it's because of weather, I saw large caddis flying along the creek.

I will get back to the creek tomorrow!

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