
Friday, October 18, 2013

DePuy's Winter Pass Starts - BWO/Baetis

Finally the long-awaited day came. Winter Pass at DePuy's Spring Creek ( came in effect on October 15th. Another journey and classroom commenced for next 6 months.......

There are two main attractions at DePuy's (and other two Livingston's spring creeks) at this time of year. 1. Fall Blue-Wing-Olive = baetis hatch; 2. Spawning runs of huge browns and rainbows from Yellowstone River. Which is more attractive? BOTH!! Are these two totally separated actions? Yes in terms of most predictable and suitable time-frame to target each. Most of regular anglers would think of large runner trout need fished with streamers and nymphs.......maybe so......... When BWO hatch is thick and lots of runners are in the system, they will rise on BWO too!! It's been very decent hatch actions to start with. Let's review!

Depending on day, weather, and spots of creek, hatch starts 12:30pm. It can be late. I myself have early lunch and get to my spots and be ready for actions. Otherwise, you have to plan late lunches as hatch lasts till 3 to 3:30pm. Make sure you are fueled during the action!!

Let me tell you. Regardless of sizes, all trout feeding on BWO right now are super picky & selective!!

Most of flies in my box are typical sizes 20 & 22 in dark olive.  Not bad but we (as my mentor Montana's Master Angler Tom Travis agrees) are seeing many of size 24 in GRAY, Light GRAY, and even Light OLIVE. To make name-calling a bit easier, we refer these Pseudocloen (this classification doesn't exist any more but convenient.....).

Luckily, I have had these color variations, and even stocked for the last couple of days!!, I've been catching trout and taking liberty of stomach pumping!!
Nice one!
 Look!! PMD are hatching and eaten too!!

 This nice one was taken from one of the most "techy" spots of creek!!
 Birds attack!?

Rainbows are also colorful and selective!!
 Moment of leaving the shuck!!

Here are a couple of successful patterns.
CDC Sparkle Dun
 Foam Post Emerger
I have couple more or new/modified patterns. I will show you as days go by and at my sales site.

I repeat: as more river-trout are coming into spawn (or chew on eggs) and when all the conditions match, those big trout will also rise on BWO dry-flies!! I'm waiting for the opportunity!!

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