
Friday, October 18, 2013

DePuy's Winter Pass Starts - Fall Runners: THE MONSTER BROWN!!

So how about big ones? I know that's what most everyone wants to know. To me process to approach each trout is more important than the sizes but I wouldn't mind catching big ones, given opportunities. Again, now is the time!!

In my observation, intensity of fall-run from Yellowstone River to DePuy's ( seemed quieter than past seasons as of when Pass started. I wasn't disappointed or anything. Rather, I've been keeping my senses (eyes, ears, and noses) keen to detect the move.

What I mean by "quieter" is number of river-runners and their aggressive/violent bites seemed lower compared to the same days of past seasons. So my catch also started with moderate ones.
Hint: not really "streamer-ish". Rather, I suggest nymphing carefully and patiently.

Yesterday evening, I officially observed several trout making groups at likely spots of creek.
Rainbows LOVE eggs!! This tells me 'bows have "hunch" of brown trout eggs!!
 Quite surprised to catch large Cutty like this!!
Then drama of my fishing life occurred.....
As it darkened most anglers left the creek. I was still hanging around soon-to-be redds area. Those top 3 trout were very satisfying but I saw an incredible size of movement by huge body. I figured that was totally out of ordinary size. I rigged up two-streamer rig. Casting slightly up-stream and swung/drifted toward it. WHAM!! I got hooked!! It pulled my line violently down-stream. I followed. I felt it might be foul-hooked but also size and weight were beyond normal. It got closer then ran away. I wasn't aware of but it seemed my line tangled on my reel handle.....SNAP!!..........Definitely best of the season and even my life record......... I thought it was the call for the day........ Took off indicator and started to reel slack lines........
HOWEVER!! As I looked at where it broke on me, I still observed the same shadow on the bottom, just like a submarine at a halt. Maybe, could be, potentially, I might be able to re-hook it. "At least, I should try. This is the second chance given by Fishing God". So I quickly attached my indicator and 2X tippet with a split shot, and tied on a simple go-to OTTER's Soft Egg. It took me barely a minute and the shadow was still there. I made casting again. 5th or 6th cast, my indicator reacted and I set the hook..... YES I HOOKED IT AGAIN!! This Time, since it was so close, I saw it did bite on my egg fly!! YES I HAD HER EAT!!  Tug-of-war started again!! But this time, it definitely felt exhausted. It ran into the edge of creek. I followed and the entire move essentially cornered it, so to speak. Now, netting time!! I wasn't sure if my net was big enough...........but at least captured the most part, including the head, and I could control it............. I swore to myself "watch what you wish for. You really want a big fish? This is TOO BIG!!"

Holding the "basket" with both hands............
I measured without any fabrication or exaggeration.
Click and enlarge to read the measure.
It was "her". I recovered my streamers which were accidentally hooked on her left pectoral fin from the first hooking.
26-inch length & 14-inch girth
According to the fish weight estimating formula (length x girth x girth, divided by 800), she's supposed to weight a bit over 6 pounds. But remember brown trout accumulate fat this time of year and furthermore, females have eggs inside, up to 4 or more pounds!! What do you guess!!??  Imagine holding TWO of 5-lb beef burger chubs at grocery stores on each hand (side by side, parallel to the earth). I can attest she was longer & heavier than that...........
Well, this is definitely "Fish of 2013" and my own new record.............
Lucky? Yes I was. But also let me give you two important tips to achieve that luck.
1. Large trout in spawning mode become active in the dark. They can be in the creek all day. But they seldom (or never) show themselves. You've got to target when their inhibitions get slightly low and make moves to public lights!!
2. Anglers have to have willingness to stay late, especially on these cold fall days. Be prepared in terms of flies, tactics, clothes, and mind-set!!

I'll be guiding on the River this weekend. So let me know how you do while I'm away from the creek!!


  1. Wow!! What a fish , and quite a story to go along with it.
    Congrats on that personal record...

    1. Thanks. Well, it was a pure luck. Now it's getting harder to break this record....

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Joel. This is the one prime reason for me to stick around Livingston's spring creek!

  3. My dad's been raving about fall fishing near Bozeman this year. Sure wish I could break away and make the trip west.

    1. Not just spring creeks, but also most rivers are fishing well in the fall. Then the landscape and fall scenery from rivers are simply gorgeous.

  4. Fantastic fish Satoshi, Congrats!

    1. Thanks Doug. As Yellowstone Park reopened, shop boys must be chasing runners on G!

  5. Thanks Lester. I was just lucky as I am not catching any more (?) after that one.... Are you fishing creeks this fall and winter?

  6. Good night lefty! Put me to bed and call me done. They do exist. They do!! Nice work!

    1. Link,
      It was a pure luck. Best part I've done is simply to be there a lot & stay late. I have no idea when it would be, if ever, for me to see that big shadow next time......

  7. Through October, I try to fish all day (morning till late). Not sure if it's "every" day. Then from November, I most likely fish switch into afternoon only. I'll be around....

  8. OK I fixed a couple of confusing parts that some people totally misunderstood that I "snagged" on purpose or something............ Wrong, wrong, read carefully. Do I need to make a statement in the next post? Maybe.......

  9. Nice fish Satoshi. It was clear from your post that the fish was not snagged and anyone that thought otherwise is either jealous or a poor reader.
