I was wondering the water condition in the Park rivers as they eventually come to Montana and we are experiencing historical runoff here in towns below!!
I drove through Highway 191 along Gallatin River. "Gall" was as muddy, high, & scary as "Yell", just half of river width. I drove into the Park and observed Madison. In both Madison and Firehole, water was not actually muddy as I could see the bottom but really high instead. Also water remained cool for this time of year. I didn't see any PMD or caddis in the air, maybe a few, not to mention no trout rises at all. It was quite disappointing for me as I had great dry-fly fishing last year this time. Please go to the post archive for July 2010 on right hand side. I'd like to make links but there are too many posts from last June trip.
I started with streamers, which actually seemed very suited for but no actions at all. I switched to a nymph rig but still no action. I finally belly-snagged on a little browny and that was all for the morning. It just seemed a totally different river from last year.............
Well........there were rises and caddis in the air around 6pm but far incomparably less than last year. Yet I fished. First one gave me a strong fight and it was one of the largest I ever caught in Firehole, 12-inch rainbow
From Firehole, I took the Park roads to Gardiner then to Livingston. I wanted to see Yellowstone level might as well. I dropped by an unofficial boat ramp, locally known as "26". What? Is this lake?
No!!!! This is how it looked in early May!! Remember my self-floating?
I must have stood at pretty much the same spot last night.
From Firehole, I took the Park roads to Gardiner then to Livingston. I wanted to see Yellowstone level might as well. I dropped by an unofficial boat ramp, locally known as "26". What? Is this lake?
I must have stood at pretty much the same spot last night.
My boat trailer is about 17- or 18-foot long to carry a 16-foot boat so how high is it vertically!!??