Though I wasn't really in a mood to go to Lamar due to too many people, I had to go because this was part of scouting and learning for my future guiding. I parked along the road from which the river can be reached by almost a mile away walk, hoping nobody would make this far. No sirs, no mams, two already there and another two later on. But I experienced one of the best match-the-hatch fishing ever!!!! Among braids, I thought I found a good looking run. I casted hopper/attractor again. Then I suddenly started to see risers and sippers!! Suddenly it became a spring-creek-get-down-to-your-knees situation!! This must be PMD!! (in case, I'm wrong and it may be heptagenia or Epeorus, let me know).
I tied on all the good patterns from my Mayfly Box of the day. Nothing actually worked. Then I finally tried my own original pattern that I'm working on. Trout came to only on this fly, period!! Any catch? First one I hooked into was really huge, no bragging but may have been a 20-incher, and it snapped off in two seconds. Second hit was almost close to my hand but spat the fly. Some more rises but it was over. Whole situation lasted over one hour. It was terrific with or without trout pictures. Then I gained huge confidence on my invention. Wish I had a proof picture or two........
Today's companion was like him. Not as scary as Mountain Lion that I saw along Rock Creek.
Today's companion was like him. Not as scary as Mountain Lion that I saw along Rock Creek.
Lamar is #1 for my trout rivers in Yellowstone and I have seen some huge cuts there .Good job Sat!
I might fish with nymphs and streamers in the Canyon section. But the match-the-hatch was unforgettable!! Soda Butte holds some nice trout too and it's overlooked.