Other option was to stay in West Yellowstone and do the same; streamers in the mornig and evening, then try to hit Raynolds to $3 Bridge for Baetis hatch.
My first choice was of course Armstrong's. But I could not get a hold of O'Hair Ranch. Later I heard from Yellowstone Angler that they have gone elk hunting!! So I called Depuy's for the availability when I checked into Livingston. Also I had a wild notion to see what I can do at this challenging water, where I totally got knocked out one afternoon last year, while Armstrong's is already familiar.
Whatever I got, I have no regret or disappointment for what I decided. If the hatch would be slow at Depuy's so would be at Armstrong's. And with the sunny weather at Madison, I would not expect too much for Baetis hatch.
Though my expectation was to fish for Baetis and midges with dry flies or swiging soft hackles as emergers, just in case I tied several Sparkle Scud in my motel room in West Yellowstone. I left my stillwater box (should I say Rocky Ford box?) in my house.
Depuy's is twice longer than Armstrong's. But even with my limited experience, I seem to see more trout at Armstrong's than Depuy's. For example, if I am walking carelessly at upper section of Armstrong's , I often see at least a dozen or more trout get spooked and run away. At Depuy's I saw barely one at each spot. I would try Depuy's again while the rate is low, but this experience here makes me like Armstrong's better..... As of now I am thinking about to get up there early April next year. Can't wait.....
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