Another streamer that worked well was Sculpzilla in white and black.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
April Fool's Fly?? Part 2: Streamers Gone Wild
Another streamer that worked well was Sculpzilla in white and black.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
April Fool's Fly?? - Part 1: Real Sculpin??
Followings are my recent designs that I am more than half serious about and will use during the trip myself. But also there are always stories behind each fly ever developed. I have one. I thought it's interesting to post as humor and art. Though I'm serious and emphasize my idea, I can say "April Fool!!" if I don't catch any trout!
Last week, my last outing to Yakima River, I picked up a big-fat-dead body of sculpin at the shallow area. It was almost 5-inch long. It looked slightly injured. It could have been attacked by bigger fish. I didn't take a picture or two due to the respect of the dead. Well, I did take pics for dead salmon the other day. What a hypocrite I am..... That dead salmon was respectable and admirable even dead. Anyways, the dead sculpin really looked like this.
I see why the classic Muddler Minnow or Kelly Galloup's Zoo Cougar are always best as sculpin imitation. Here's my tie.
And here's the side view. I accomplished to keep the silhouette very flat.
I have a little positive feeling that this design of mine might work at certain spots that I'll be fishing. More than a joke level. I'll find more.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Yakima - Last Day for Spring
Enough introduction, how was yesterday then? Yesterday was the best condition to go outside at this time of the year. Warm sunny day with mild winds. Seven weeks of information and some experience behind me, I guessed water level right! It was even a bit lower than last week. I drove up above town of Ellensburg where I first fished on February 1st (time has passed so quick!!). I wanted to do some wading into middle of the river to fish with streamers at deep troughs. I was actually expecting a cloudy day with no winds or rain, maybe just a little, for a typical streamer day. But I knew that was asking too much!
I went back to the same spot as in Feb-1 post. I again did some nymphing as I went up and back. But didn't have any actions this time. I had a lunch sitting between Yakima River and I-90. I noticed caddis already popped out on my hat. I think it's small spotted tan caddis (Hydropsyche). I could have swung some soft-hackles.
In the afternoon, still warm and bright, I went back to the same spot as last week. With another long walk and wading, I fished with nymphs and same tactics again at the same deep pool. It worked again! This time it was a 15-incher.
Again on a Rubber Leg.
I made last effort along Canyon streatch as I head down to my home. I didn't even catch a pike-minnow on streamers. So this one was the last trout I caught in Yakima for this spring.
Well, I didn't catch anything bigger than 16-inch. Was I satisfied with what I've experienced? Was it worth for my efforts and costs? I am going to summerize below.
About Yakima
- I have nothing negative to say about the river and fishery.
- Yakima is such a big piece of water so fish population per mile would be less than those rivers in Montana or mountain streames in Naches.
- Would be done better by floating since it's running mostly along with Interstate 90 and lots of private property.
- Wild trout are always good regardless of their sizes.
- I could have caught bigger and heavier trout in lakes or Rocky Ford here in eastern WA but those are stocked triploids.
- I didn't use a guide. All I had was info from Worley Bugger and mostly about access points.
- Individual spots, tactics, and flies were based on my observation and experience.
Objectives accomplished
- Get out of the boring winter time.
- Casting for better. And I noticed my casting was improved by Micro Practice Rod.
- My fly selection and water-reading were good. At least enough not to get "skunked".
- Shaped up my body for wading.
Misc. experience
- Ellensburg has some good places to eat for lunch while fishing.
- As any other popular rivers, avoiding crowds always play some roles. And I think I did well by making lots of observation and driving.
With all said above, I am getting ready for my spring trip to Livingston in less than two weeks. Indeed all of these 8-day outings were committed by that in my mind underneath.
Two things I wanted to but couldn't
- Test and catch with a big streamer pattern I recently designed.
- Test the drag performance and line retlieving with my Lamson Guru when big trout were hooked.
Also, I will go back to Yakima in the fall after irrigation is done. I might even fish for smallmouth before the runoff starts right here at the Lower Yakima Valley.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Yakima - 7th day
Well, it seems I am still far away from bigger trout in Yakima. And I have only one more day left. I will keep the same attitude again. Though burgers and britos are all good but I reassured how sandwiches taste good while sitting in the river.
My another objective is to catch with and prove my new fly that I have just designed. Indeed at the very end of the day, I had one mysterious bite that snapped my humangous fly (yes, it's a streamer). I don't post that stroy and my new flies for now as it doesn't seem a right timing.
I'll do my best and find out more! Bottomline; I'll be enjoying!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Yakima - Swinging Soft-Hackles & Falling In (almost!!)
Water level went down and weather had been nice so I was expecting more insect hatches and trout rises than last week. And I could cover waters effectively by fishing down-stream with streamers last week, so I was going to swing soft-hackles to fish among hatches.
Insect hatch was pretty much the same as last few visits but........ this time, I didn't see any single rises at all. This really confused me. Last week why did trout come out to the surface when water was higher and colder than yesterday? Well, yet I saw midges and skwalla would be anywhere so I went with soft-hackles.
This little guy has been effective anywhere for midge situation.
Then, an accident, more like an incident, happenned right after this tiny one.
I had been wading on rock bottom, up to middle of my thighs or so. Compared to Madison River, this water flow is much easier to wade. And I have been with Simms boots. I didn't overlook at all but maybe enjoying too much and was careless. The rock I stepped on was slippery and I was leaning backward. I thought "I finally did!!" For that nano-second, I was already half-laughing myself. I squatted some into the water but got back the grip. Then I started to count when the chill would come through my shirts to my skin and think about mess in the wader.......
It didn't come. It seemed I was wet up to my navel level so a bottom third portion of my vest was wet. My camera is water-proof and dryfly floatants were kept in upper pockets. But several fly boxes got some sprashes, not totally wet. I could go on but I wasn't comfortable to keep my boxes and unused flies wet because we all know that would cause rusts on hooks. I decided to walk back to my truck. Fortunately the sun and windshield were making the cab hot and dry. I picked up several gadgets and flies quickly to my jacket (1/3 wet also but not cotton like the vest).
Back to fishing. I still didn't see any surface activities at all. And swinging soft-hackles is always simply euquipped. This is not exactly the one I used (I have lots of flies that I haven't taken pictures) but the same/similar pattern tied in red silk thread.
I caught a bit larger one!
I went to town of Ellensburg and dropped by Worley Bugger. Steve pointed me to another streatch I hadn't tried. It does look good! So I ended up more observing and making strategies for next visits rather than actively fishing.
Came home dry and happily sored, I suddenly felt how lucky I was and thought about "what if that happenned in Madison?"
But also, if I was fishing Madison, there must have been more fish where I spotted and fished......maybe.
I have two more Wednesday left. I have to look for 18-incher or bigger and also test my streamer patterns. Positive thiking! I'll find more!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Soft Hackle Streamer - New Ties
Last fall, black and white were very succesful. So I tied both colors at once as "Integration".
I recently obtained a mrabou bag in sculpin olive. This is really a juicy color. I combined with brown or rootbeer marabou and finished with grizzly head. I think this is a total combo of sculpin colors. Furthermore, this time I tied with a short shank and strong salt-water hook.
Talking about marabou and large streamer silhouette, one of my favorites is Kelly Galloup's "Heifer Groomer".
This fly's articulation method gave me some idea. I have just made a Soft-hackle streamer articulated as a 4-inch long sculpin. Some of you might say too skinny in the middle?? Not at all because whole design is meant to be skinny and fluffy in the water.
These will be used at Madison in the fall for sure but I carry these soft-hackle streamers in sevral colors all the time. I might find out in April in Livingston or even tomorrow in Yakima.
Soft-hackle streamers can be swung and stripped with a floating line and also be effective with jerk-strip retrieves with sinking line
Tomorrow is Yakima-Wednesday!! I have another streamer patterns that I have just developed in various sizes and colors. Along with them and my lunch selection, I'll find out more!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Yakima in March
It was warm and sunny with rare clouds and winds. As I drove up the Canyon, I noticed the water level was high. As I parked and got closer to the river, it was about a foot higher than February. I concerned that the dam release started, which would limit my access and change my plans. But according to Worley Bugger, it was a temporal situation due to rain shower in the area and all the tributaries were sending some amount of waters to Yakima. It was not a dark chocolate run-off water. There are enough visibility left.
Again, I thought insect hatches and surface activities were messed up. Besides that, I wanted to go with streamers right off the bat for some reasons. 1. practice for my April trip, 2. several patterns I wanted to test, 3. with warm temperature yet high water, I thought most trout would set closer to the banks, 4 prospect big fish!, and 5. cover the streatch effectively that I can't do with drag free presentaion of dry flies and nymphs because of features of the banks. I rigged up my 6wt with Kelly Galloup's style.
But.......midges were hatching fine again like last week...... Also this time, I saw actual rises. There might have been some skwala stones around because I saw and heard some big gulping rising sounds. I wanted to have some fun and excites with dry flies, at least I should have tried to "match the hatch", and that's one of my reasons and objectives of this winter project. But the streatch I like to fish is with deep under-cut banks, high in my back with trees and bushes. This is why I finally chose to fish downstream by using all the information and situation around me. Maybe I should have and indeed I wanted to try soft-hackles among hatches (= my speciality and obcession). But I had more reasons to go with streames as above.
I have lots of patterns. One of my favorite is Doug's Home Invader. I learned directly from him.
Nice 16-incher. Did you like it? Not the biggest of the river or a proud catch but I was relieved to get out of "skunk" of last week for sure....
By 1:00pm, I could cover the entire streatch, just about a mile with some hard walks, effectively without snagging trees behind me that I can never do with dead-drift dry flies and nymphs.
Yesterday for lunch, I dropped by a grocery store in town for something in deli corner. Maybe sandwiches, I wasn't sure. I saw "baked" chicken which sounded less greasier than "fried" right next to it. It did taste good but it wasn't as less greasy as I expected or as it looked. At least I was proud of myself that I managed the instant cravings for pizza (that every human being has)right there at the counter.
After a quick grab, I drove up to Thorp access point. But water was dangerously high for me to wade in. Higher than 4 weeks ago, my first visit around here!! Oh, boy it seems to me only 4 days ago!! Actual fishing days-wise, indeed it was only 4 days ago. i changed my plan and headed back to the same streatch in the Canyon. I have learned other spots and streatches but due to the water level, the same streatch sounded a safer bet for my own safety and catching-expectation.
I was tying on Home Invader again (my tie in white, smaller than the pic above). I hooked something. Not so big but from its flash and fighting, I thought I finally hooked a whitefish. I have caught whitefish more than enough at Madison River so I don't want to see or touch them. But not seeing them for a while makes me wonder where the heck they were......
Well, it was not a whitie. I couldn't identify. The skin/scale is not as coarse as whitie and its mouth is like trout's without teeth. I have just asked Steve at Worley Bugger for identification. He told me this is the "pike minnow", often called "squaw fish", which is native and a predator.
He also told me there's a bounty program for catching and killing these along Columbia River. Oh yeah, I have read a little article in a magazine too. Pike minnow is hated for munching on juvenile salmon and steelhead. How about bass, sturgeon, walleye, carp, etc in the river system around here?? And these salmonoids feed on their own fries.....whatever.....
OK, sounds like I have to play a bit with water level for next visits. I have found several streatches I like to fish and several fly patterns that work. And I am developing my tactics.
I just want to see one big 18-inch or bigger wild rainbow and/or native westslope before I hit the road to Montana.......