Micro Practice Rod is very fun to play with!! Also so pretty & lovely that makes me to take it a little mountain stream to catch 5-7 inch trout!?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Winter - 2
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Season's Greeting

Here are my intentions and jokes:
Right now we are experiencing the world-wide bad economy. I'd like to shout out loud that we need to be positive especially at this tough time to get through. During the holiday season, we need to be happy and filled with good foods. I wanted to express that with the buttery belly of fat brown trout, caught at Cable Car Run with a large soft-hackle.

You know the butter is the "symbol of fatness".
Also, butter is one of dairy products that I am involved in by breeding milk cows.
Talking about milk cows, suddenly the famous phrase hit me.
"got milk?"
Well, how about "got butter"? Maybe you are developing a butter belly, like this brown, filled with happiness and feast?? That's what I wish to you all!!
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Merry X'mas and Happy "Fishy" New Year!!
I will be celebrating both X'mas and New Year weekends with cows.............
Friday, December 18, 2009
Gear Review 2010 (??)
First reading, second choosing flies I want to tie, third looking for materials to see if I already have or have to buy, and fourth finally I can get tying on my bench..............
I am having a positive feeling that Micro Practice Rod and tying midge patterns will keep me busy all winter without spoiling myself with boredom till next spring.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Cable Car Run & Soft Hackle Club??
Just below here, I caught the fish of the year with a large soft-hackle (report here).

There are some fee and donation welcome when you want to join the club. All the funding will be used to enhance our soft-hackle fishing such as to get me a better SAGE rod so I can cast better and longer!!!
Well, here in Lower Yakima Velley, we had the first snow for this coming winter last Saturday 12th. Probably 8mm or so. Before more snow and ice come, I started my F-150 for the first time since I come back from my last trip to Yellowstone. 37 days exact. Last winter (this February or so), when I tried to start my F-150 after a few months of sitting, battery seemed totally gone and I had to jump and feed from my work car for over 30 minutes. So this winter, I am thinking to start and make sure once a month or so.
Last Saturday, I ran the engine for 30 minutes and drove to Prosser Hill. It was remodeled and paved so I wanted to see. Uhhhhh, quite a snow!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
10 Flies to Choose
Royal Wulff Cripple is one of the most effective attractors, I bet!! It is fun and simple to tie.
I won't forget midges. Though I have more favorite patterns to show, Syl's Midge must be the all-time favorite. With the greased leader technique, this can be fished as dry and surface film, then swing it!!
I am getting to the bottom. $3 Serendipity is the must. This resembles everything or anything, mayfly nymph to midge larva (when tied with small curved hooks).
Streamer time!! Not just because I did pretty well during my fall trip, I can't emphasize how lovely this fly is to tie and to fish with.
Nowadays, there are hundreds of streamer patterns. Yet my own and probably for most of anglers' all time favorite would be Scott Sanchez's Double Bunny. Here, I adapted this pattern with a barbell eye so it sinks upside down for less snagging.
The final 10th fly........... Well, I go with my Coyote (Coyoted Pheasant Soft Hackle). To me it's something among minnow, smolts, maybe an imitation, and an attractor in general.
These 10 flies are always with me along with other good patterns. Here is the glimpse of my project during the winter, related to these flies, besides watching DVD and reading books. I will up and post when it's done.
If you have your own idea and selection for 10 flies, let's share!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Camping Then and Now
Whatever we do outside, camping would be one of the most basic and important concerns. But then again, to me, fly-fishing adds some tastes rather than just camping, hiking, or fishing with other ways. Besides preparations for foods and where to sleep, I always bring my journal (as used for this blog) and tying materials in case I need to ties flies that are not in my box.
I made several 3-day fishing camp to Tucannon River in eastern Washington. That meant two-night camping. The upper streatch offeres lots of free camping area, managed by state/rangers. It is such a nice place to enjoy camping though I never caught any fish over 11 inches. Since it's free in terms of fee and space, I have to curse some bad-mannered people who just come here and dump all of their garbages. This is the problem here in eastern WA that I shout loud!!
Anyway, here's one scene from Tucannon camp. I liked to sit and take a nap under the umbrella. I slept in the cab. I didn't encounter people who camped for parties so I enjoyed quietness at night.

As day and year go by, I came to the point that I had to admit those high-caloried and easy-going camp foods above were getting too much for my metabolism.
These days, I would often pack sandwiches and chips for lunch but the night would be like this......simple and essential.
I could be called that I am getting old and soft. Maybe. But by staying motel yet preparing most of my foods in ice-chests give me less times and things to care other than fishing, instead produces me more time to focus on fishing. And this is very effective to keep me healthy and doing as I do in my house. I can keep stuffs for my fresh sandwiches and in the evening after a long fishing day, I can barely sip a can of soup and eat veggies and salads. Yet I can cook some hearty eggs for breakfast with a microwave.
Some of you might suggest me own a motor-home, RV-car, or RV-trailer. This way, I could stay cheap or even free at camping sites. But I hate the competition for "first-come-first-serve". I'll do that for fishing spots but I don't want to do that for the rest. Besides, I know whatever kinds of vehicles I own, it costs a lot....... I'd rather be a good customer for each motel. So far those motels in Montana remember me every time I make calls and visit them. I belive this is why I am getting better fishing results every time I get back!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Soft-hackle Materials & Tools
Whatsoever, what I am always thinking (actually obcessed with) is soft-hackle flies. I am still tying to fill my box whenever I've got an urge!! I'd like to post my favorite materials and tools here.
These two always go with my traveling tying bag, Whiting hen cape in dun and partridge. They are so versatile as tail, hackle, and wing materials. I think these two simply seem to represent something "fishy" to our and trout's eyes.
One of my best buys for this year from Blue Ribbon Flies, a whole pheasant skin. Both top and
Grouse skin is another good one to tie large to medium size soft-hackles.
Here are starling and mallard shoulder. Starling is what I need to tie small soft-hackles for midge and baetis patterns. A paired mallard wings are oftentimes used as wings for dry flies but they are so fragile. I didn't know what to do with what I bought but I learned that shoulder feathers can be used for soft-hackles. Nice coloration!!!
And there it is, a hook exclusively for soft-hackle flies...... I picked up at Blue Ribbon Flies from #9 to 17. Manufactured in Japan by Daiichi, it is 1X-fine & 2X-short.
Finally this is a recent acquisition that I came to like immensely. Hook & hackle plier from Hareline. This one simply grabs soft-hackle feathers without breaking, that regular hackle pilers can't do especially with smaller feathers (starling and partridge). Also, as the name says, this can hold hooks very well when I slip beads to hooks, most likely #16 and smaller.
I have just purchased white and black Gossamer spools from Blue Ribbon Flies. During the winter, I am thinking to tie several variations of my Coyote with those colors.
If you are one of bird hunters, please give me skins after you secure your meat!!
Wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
I am working on my greeting card for this year. I think I will post around or after Christmas.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Signature Flies
This meant more than a joke to me. I just felt I had to do something with these lovely feathers. Then I started to gather and combine all the knowledge and patterns in my head. At the same time, I read and read again Jack Gartiside's pheasant description. I clarified what was going on in my head. It would be a large soft-hackle. Talking about large soft-hackles, I had to think about Madison River in the fall, swinging large soft-hackles for run-up spawners. Then I had two beautiful patterns that I learned from Blue Ribbon Flies.
And here's "Lucky Bucky Soft Hackle". I love its pheasant use.
Along with BRF's foremost product, Zelon, that I though I could use for flash and color, I drew my idea with a pen on the paper. I came up with this. And I named it "Coyoted Phesant Soft Hackle", hoping I can hunt some big trout like coyotes attack their prey.
It didn't look bad all. But I couldn't ignore a little touch at the tying point of its tail; pheasnt fibers, Zelon under-tail, and ribbing gold wire were all in one spot. Also I had to see that I did some complication and over-dressing for thorax before I tie in and wrap pheasant hackle and aftershaft. Still look OK but too much labor and materials are not for my style nor for any other famous patterns. I wondered if there were any techniques or materials to improve it........
Then I learned another BRF creation, called September Song. It employs a built-up body of silk thread, which is nicely tapered.
This seemed to be the last piece I was missing. This way, I don't have to dub a body and it essentially forms a thorax. And then, rather than topping a tuft of Zelon on top of the shank, I made figure-eight wraps on a longer tuft of Zelon and then made it into a swept back style. This really seemed to combine everything in my head. Highly improved and perfect for my eyes!!
Spending lots of time on my tying bench, I figured shoulder feathers from cock is not soft enough for this fly. Then, not everybody has access to the hen feathers that killed by coyotes!! I came up with that cock's ramp feathers are perfect.
See what I have done from the top and rear.
I needed an answer to what I got along with theory and my tying techniques. This was what I brought to the Madison. For the rest of story, please take a look at my previous post about how I did with it. Here are two re-used pics from there.
It was dark into evening. This rainbow might have mistaken my Coyote as other proven patterns, who knows? But this picture shows the solid hook at the corner of trout's mouth, which is the typical spot while swinging. So this trout must have chased it, at least my Coyote would have enticed something.
I tried a self-timer as a proof. It looks like both me and trout are cut. But I had to let her go, anyway, it's mostly in my head.
Well, this is why I like my Coyote so much. I think I might as well post a few more about soft-hackles; materials, tools, and spots.