So, I will make hikes for a day or two to Gibbon. But also, I heard a local tip from a guide. There does exist resident monsters up to 10-lb???? I actually believe it. Probably so is at the Firehole. They both are nutrient waters with lots of great trout habitats. There can be some monsters that do not rise to dry-flies as most of anglers like to fish. I'll find more.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Favorite River - Gibbon River in Yellowstone National Park
So, I will make hikes for a day or two to Gibbon. But also, I heard a local tip from a guide. There does exist resident monsters up to 10-lb???? I actually believe it. Probably so is at the Firehole. They both are nutrient waters with lots of great trout habitats. There can be some monsters that do not rise to dry-flies as most of anglers like to fish. I'll find more.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
More Classics
With some confidence of my skills for Spruce Fly below (thank you for dropping me by), I am into more classic yet still the all time favorite patterns. Then again I have tied with my own interpretation and imagination.
One of those was Matuka streamer. Traditionally tied with hen hackles for body/wing/tail, but I used "Church Window" feathers from a cock ringneck pheasant skin. (Chartreuse exclamation marks)

Here's one with black x olive tone. I weighed with a lead wire under the chenille body. Yet it still keeps the look of soft-hackle/wet-fly/streamer.
Here in eastern part of WA, now is the time for damsel nymphs. One of the Northwest favorites must be this Carey Special. I tied with a body of peacock herls and grouse feather (for tail and hackle) instead of pheasant as suggested originally. I just wanted to have darker silhouette that grouse feathers have.
Corey, please come back to work fine and sound ASAP so I can get out fishing with these flies...
Monday, May 17, 2010
Spruce Fly
Not truly following the general recipe, but I believe these two of my ties look good and will be swung in Madison River in the fall. I used red floss instead of yarn or dubbing and curved hooks as often used in soft-hackle patterns. Also for the left one, I used the butt end of saddle hackle as in Soft Hackle Streamer.
This is why I'd rather interpret this as a soft-hackle and keep them in my large soft-hackle boxes. I can't wait till I swing this fly at Madison in the fall.
Also, I am getting ready for my June trip to West Yellowstone before the fall. Of course, I wanted to go to Yellowstone in July or August. But my work schedule wouldn't let me go. Yet it sounds like there are lots of playing cards around late in June and I'm sure I'm gonna like it. What I mean are : not quite a peak season for visitors, last shot before Firehole and Gibbon get warmed up, and Salmon-fly craziness along Madison.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
OUCH!!!! (not me)
Here's Corey when we went fishing last summer. First time for him to fly-fish. He's one of a few persons who stepped in my secret holes in a mountain stream.
Or maybe a Prosser Wine along with the grape fly.
Also when I went to Yakima River on 10th (my last post below), I found a leak on my wader. I thought "OMG, do I have to buy a new pair right after I spent on my F-150??". I didn't have to. I found two punctures and patched them. Not a beautiful work but solid for sure.
OK, I will be working with moo-moo cows for a while but I am actually happy (sorry for Corey). With this job for next two weeks or so, I have a perfect reason to get out to Yellowstone National Park late in June!! I have to be compensated, if not being paid more, right folks??
Also, I have to try this patched wader of mine before the trip. But I have just heard a news on the radio this morning that there was a waste water leakage in Yakima River. Without being told, I don't want to get closer. It's actually a spring salmon season right now but folks be aware if you want to eat, not me....................
Monday, May 10, 2010
Yakima Canyon to Ellensburg
If I had known these, I would have trailed X-Caddis and Nick's Soft-hackle, fishing as dry down-stream with reach-cast and then swing them subsurface.
I tied X-Caddis with Zelon shuck and special deer hair directly from Blue Ribbon Flies.
And a soft-hackle tied by Mr. Nick. This simple yet thoughtful design can out-fish famous LaFontaine's patterns, period.
I will be using these flies anyway in June somewhere in Yellowstone National Park.
Back through the Canyon, I stopped by Umtanum camping area and cooked my lunch. Another left-over got heated up on the propane stove. Today, I didn't forget matches so everything went smooth and the dish was a bit better than last week at Rocky Ford. Here, I was just waiting till the food would be ready...........
Back to my tying bench with new materials, I have just tied a Circus Peanut in olive & black, freshest from my vise. Besides gentle and calm fishing with dry-flies and wet-flies in each size, I do also like stripping big streamers like this. To me, it is a versatility that fly-fishing demands. Also that means, I have saved $5.......
Next week, I might try to fish Yakima in the evening for caddis hatch. But I really have to plan it carefully because it will be a long drive at night to my home.
I think I'd rather go back to Rocky Ford as I did last week. Catching some big triploids and then cook some lunch. Better or worse, I know the routine there.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Best Day at Rocky Ford - PM
I got WHAM!! A hefty 18-incher whacked it!!
I moved one more fish with this. I could have gone on but I finally started feeling tired. I woke up early and drove a lot. And then these hogs made my arms sore. Muskrat holes all the way made me nervous too.
As I went back, I switched to another new tie for me called, Euro Damsel. Now is the time for damsel nymphs and I like its soft-hackle silhouette.
I felt a couple of taps on my line and saw cruising trout's back at the extension of my line. So I set the hook. Another 5-pounder came to my camera!!
Unfortunate for the couple, I was still in their "hearing" distance. In Rocky Ford, oftentimes it is easy to notice when someone trying to land trout and trout fighting back and splashing water. Furthermore, I was like;
"nice fish!!"
"you are on 2X tippet, pal!!"
I was well satisfied and tired. I stopped at 2:30pm.
Today's experience gave some big confidence to my fly tying and selection. And I have learned that I can fish stillwater as aggressively as at rivers.
I might go back to Rocky Ford in two weeks.
Do any one of you think that I can sell my flies???
Best Day at Rocky Ford - AM
Today, I have had a better day. Fish count or size might be the same. But a bit more advanced to me, especially about my flies.
A quick note for today's condition: I bet nobody was able to fish yesterday, May 3rd. Wind was blowing over 30mph all over eastern WA and especially Ephrata was warned for dust & gust. Today it went down to occasional 10mph wind. Furthermore, I saw only 3 cars and 4 fishermen, including myself. People has just started fishing lakes around here, I believe.
Enough said. Besides I wanted to catch fish, I wanted to try new patterns for me along with some idea of mine. For scud, I have just learned a Ray Charles. But I added a "Hot Point". It used to be believed as an egg sack but recently it was discovered that it is caused by internal parasites of scud and that make trout vulnerable as easy meal (more details here from West Fly). But the way I tied in orange herls between olive is the same technique as used in Royal Wulff. So I named it "Royal Ray Charles". Sounds cool?
It did work! This fat 16-incher (no biggie at all at Rocky Ford) took it confidentially.
After this I hooked half a dozen in a short period. All came to my Royal, just didn't quite get hooked up. I tied only four of these. One was chewed off and two were taken (line broke). I kept going with the last one. I finally hooked a larger one. 18-inch long and almost 5-lb. But his mouth.......
A bit later on, I hooked further larger one.
I thought I could make a self-timer and it was worthwhile. Ooops though.
I caught two more on Mini San Juan Worm in brown.
These are all stocked triploids. But they are very stressed due to high fishing pressure. I think they already got to a point not to care our presence at banks.
Also, what I was doing during the morning was nothing technical at all. I was essentially dapping among them. But it has been quite an observation here when things go like this at Rocky Ford. When water is calm without too much wind waves (always clear), I can observe trout's feeding depth, feeding habits & motions, how my flies look under the water, how they sink, just to name a few. Also, in spite of their size and appetite, their takes are very subtle. I can't emphasize how delicate it is. I do use strike indicator/bobber but it even doesn't twitch or stop. Instead I see my bobber to locate where my flies are under the water. Way way way different from when brown trout whack on big stonefly nymphs in Madison River. Then I set the hook as seeing trout take my flies. This is why I think some people refer Rocky Ford as technical and sight-fishing.
Another thing I want to mention is that it's been a while that I see this many trout are feeding aggressively. I am not sure if this is because of the season or I just hit a lucky day. I am guessing it might be related to rainbow's spawning lust and instinct to feed aggressively though triploids themselves don't reproduce.
More to go on in the afternoon.
Thank all trout for your cooperation and patience!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Favorite Materials - Fox Tail
With the natural one, my Simms hat has got some mountain-man's taste??
It's not Bin-Ladin on my wall......
White one can make a good scurf......I'm afraid I could be #1 target of animal rights people since I am good at fishing and breeding cows and furthermore I love natural materials for fly-tying.
During the trip, I bought a METZ magnum cape that Doug suggests to use on Home Invader. We all know fish may not care our materials and brands but this METZ cape is really unique to me. I don't have this kind in Whiting feathers.
I will experiment these two at Rocky Ford this week. I'll find more.