Moving-in wasn't bad at all. Driving was OK and road & weather were cooperative too but I again left at night. 9:30pm PST, I recall. This time I was towing a U-haul trailer so I was a bit nervous + slow + over careful = tired..........With gas purchase and some naps, it took me about 14 hours. Of course first thing I set up was my fly-tying bench and some trophy shots on the wall!!
I had to do some other moving-in errands in town that kept me busy. Then suddenly I realized that I live right by Yellowstone River!! Only a few miles away to several spots and accesses along town!! Now entire region is in a beautiful fall color. We actually had some snow storm already.
Right after I got the internet access, I will be gone again. Well, I'm still in time for the very last week of Yellowstone National Park season. Tomorrow I drive to West Yellowstone and fish a couple of days. I will stay in a motel. This time I don't do on-the-road posts as I will concentrate only for fishing!! I kind of doubt if motels in West Yellowstone have free wireless. Some must do but I bet not all of them!! Then I have one day at Armstrong's that I didn't cancel.
Now the famous Paradise Valley spring creeks are only several miles south away!! What a busy guy I am!! It's not dream any more!!
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